Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Wu Lei and her piano concert.

My friend Wu Lei and her students will be performing at the Cristofori music school in Singapore. It will be a concert of classical music and modern music such as Jazz and film music. It will be on Sunday, 26th September 2010

It was a chance meeting. About 7 years ago when I was living in Singapore as a professor's wife, I was having a story telling session in one of Nanyang University Playgrounds. Wu Lei was there visiting with her friend. I invited her to our Chinese New year morning teas and she obliged.

We talked. She was a wife of a graduate student, and as usual, I asked her more questions, and she told me that she was a piano teacher of a high caliber with a Masters in Music. I was the co-founder of Nanyang Connect whose aim was to connect residents.( We come from all over the world.) I posted an ad for her on our website. The rest is history.

My daughter D. was one of her first students in Singapore, and a very successful one.

This is for you, Wu lei.

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