Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Report from a reader

Hi Bob,

I shot some new test photos with the Efke 25. Here is a result:

Got some flare in the center on my 65mm Super Angulon, but I am pleased overall.

I took four shots and developed as follows:

1. Traditional HC-110 1:50. Neg seems rather dense, something may be off with my old spotmeter.

2. Reagent 3 as documented in your blog, stand developed in a ziplok bag (in the dark.) Seems to have a decent result but some unevenness due in part I think to wrinkles in the bag touching the film.

3. Reagent 3 as above, but developed in rotary processor. Basically the same as #2, so I think you are correct that agitation makes little difference.

4. Reagent 3 with 33% extra HC-110. Slightly denser negative but not significantly different from 2-3.

My results with Reagent 3 and Efke seem to be slightly "foggy", it seems like the entire film base is not as transparent as it should be. Extended soak in sod. sulfite and refixing doesn't seem to have any effect. Any ideas about this?

With both the Efke and the FP4 the negs have a tan color rather than a blue-gray/blue-black. It is a stark contrast with the conventional HC-110 results. Similar to differences between sepia and selenium toning. Don't know if that is just a characteristic of this process.

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