Thursday, August 19, 2010


This great light shade and ceiling, so beautiful.
via here
Really liking the mismatched chairs at this dining table, I do the same at my dining table ..... (love the old barber chair on the end) .....
 .... and the food looks pretty great too !!!
found here via here
 This great photo of Anna-Wili Highfield from her website .... and I really like her choice of bird in the background, it's the flying version of my Raven.

I wouldn't mind owning this very beautiful work by Artist Cornelius Völker .....
found here via here
....  and a meal in Spain would be kind of nice, these shots of Spain are making me quite nostalgic.
see more here .

How great are these cushion sofas, could you imagine just melting into these, they look so divine .... read more here

This very beautiful bedroom.
via here
This is so great, a city sculpture made of staples .... take a look here to see the work in progress.

This is my dining room and my version of mismatched chairs .... it is about to become a very busy table this weekend !!!
I'm posting my Friday Favorites a bit early this week  .... It is my husbands birthday and we have relatives and friends coming to stay for the weekend so we will have a very full and busy house. We have a bit of a party planned for Saturday night, looking forward to lots of catching up ....  should be fun !!!
Hope you have a lovely weekend.

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