Saturday, August 14, 2010

Sunday bridges: in Mulu, Borneo

Much of Sarawak, Borneo is low lying and swampy. Many of the houses are built with stilts which my British teen aged pen friend exclaimed," Your house has legs." This is actually a clever way, when it floods, the house is safe from water.

We were in Mulu, and the resort was in the highlands. Still the buildings were built on stilts. I looked down and realised why. It was very muddy, and there were lots of roots ready to trip you. The stilts were very high, and bridges link one building to another.

We had our lunch, a soya chicken, with vegetables and a clear soup served all at the same time. We ate the Malaysian way, a spoon and a fork. The spoon we use to scoop our rice. Instead of dessert, we had fresh fruit. Sam was very happy as he loves water melon and coming from winter in New Zealand, he didn't get to eat a lot of that here. Besides water melons are very expensive in Auckland, and mean me, I don't buy often.

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