Saturday, August 7, 2010

Macro flowers: Snowdrops.

Galanthus (Snowdrop; Greek gála "milk", ánthos "flower") is a small genus of about 20 species of bulbous herbaceous plants in the Amaryllis family. Most flower in winter, before the vernal equinox (21 March in the Northern Hemisphere), but certain species flower in early spring and late autumn.

My clump of Snowdrops bloom this week. It is a very resilient plant as my mower mows over it every time he mows the lawn. Sometimes if I am home when he comes, I tell him ,"Please No." He flashes his white teeth, and the next time, he mows over it again.

I like Snowdrops. My Chinese name is Pure Snow. My sis E is Pure Ice. An Uncle told me that my Dad had a problem in his head for naming us as such. We will be like ice and snow in our personality. Stone cold and we won't have any friends. Luckily, he was wrong. I have lots of friends everywhere I go. In fact, when I was leaving Singapore, I was asked if I would miss it. I said," No, but I would miss my friends."
Thank you Maia.

First I love flowers. Second, the badge for this meme is the North Borneo Orchid. My Dad's favourite flower. It gives me warm fuzzy feeling every time I see this flower.

Join Macro Flowers Saturday, a photo meme for macro photos and close-ups of flowers, garden flowers, wildflowers, blossoms, flowers with insects and butterflies (no insects without flowers), flowers with raindrops and whatever beautiful plants, plant seeds or berries you have, in close-up.

First time visitors, please read the rules. They are simple but I do ask that you, please, use a MFS badge or link back to MFS in some way. Thank you.

Macro Flower Saturday


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