Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Spaghetti Bolognese

We are ethnic Chinese, but my kids grow up in the western world and they love Spaghetti Bolognese. As a dotting mum, I cook what they like to eat and then cook something Chinese for the water engineer.

I have been cooking Spaghetti Bolognese for a long time and in large batches. I have cooked to raise money for the Deaf Children in Kenya. My recipe is not authentic and do not have lots of herbs and spices.

Today, as I cook this batch of Bolognese sauce and vege spirals, I feel quite emotional. I am cooking them for a family who is faced with the sad prospects of losing a mum to cancer.

Fellow blogger Autumn Belle @ KDP comments that this year, she has become a "straw",
This is from the second verse of a Chinese Children's song;
Mommy's the only dearest in the world
without a mom you are like a piece of grass/straw
away from mom's heart,
where will you find happiness?

You can hear the song on my other blog.

Happy Mums' Day.

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