Monday, May 3, 2010

Sandra Barr Rebukes the "Raving Judas" and his 40 Pieces of Silver

Message from GLW to me, and my response.
This morning I received this message from Greg Lance-Watkins. This is his message to me, and my response.

Sandra Barr

Greg LANCE-WATKINS May 3 at 4:15am Report


I appreciate it is easier to publish the indormation that suits your fantasies but sometimes you have a duty of care which requires due dilligence - rather than mob hysteria.

See: & follow any thread or link and learn some facts rather than just defame based on the words of those I have exposed for corruption - they are likely to be a tad biased.

As for the situation with Anne Greig & Robert Green PLEASE provide a single substantive fact I can take to a Court and I will - I have been at the forefront of this since way back this time last year - when YOU have done something beyond keyboard warrior let me know!

So far I have steered 2 fairly major child abuse cases to The Human Rights Courts - I have put an MEP on prison for corruption - what have YOU done in the last 12 months? Oh yes and we started a Political Party to raise these issues and to 'piss off' the Government.

IF you need more facts but you may not like the truth you hear phone me 01291 - 62 65 62 - in the meantime see if you can find ANYONE who can identify a single instance anywhere that I have done anything but tell the truth.

O believe you owe me an apology - however forget it I will merely consider the source!

Greg L-W.

Greg's Links
- #975* - Political Gossip UK - has woken! Clean EUkip up NOW & make UKIP electable! The corruption of some of EUkip’s leadership, their anti UKIP claqu...

My Response

Sandra Barr May 3 at 1:42pm

Hi Greg, firstly you have accused the Facebook supporters of Hollies cause of repeating mis-information about Hollies case, as you were are main source of the mis-information, its seems a little bizarre that you would then accuse us of repeating it!

Having this week read up on how you set about destroying the UKIP, I can see you have employed the same tactics in Hollies campaign.

I can see a very clear picture of how this was planned and executed.

1. You go on the Tony Legend show and start your criticism of the Facebook book support groups.

2. Your buddy Pabs is so annoyed at the criticism that he then pulls the main group of 27,000 people.

3. The faithful who checked in the group often, are then left wondering where the hell did the group go, they go to the 'official' web site for some kind of guidance, and find you doing a hatchet job, condemning everyone involved in the case.

4. You then thought that everyone would just think, oh its all over, lets forget about the whole thing, and get back to before.

What you did not reckon on was the strength of feeling that people have invested in Hollies plight for justice.

Between the various FB groups that were set up in support of Hollie, there is now 10,000 people, who still want justice for Hollie. And that number grows daily. I guarantee you that the 27,000 figure will have been surpassed within the next month. So your dastardly plan to derail this campaign has failed miserably.

As an agent provocateur your not very good!

Your daily criticism of Anne and Robert has actually had the reverse effect of what you planned, and brought even more people to the campaign.

You still do not seem to get it, that your daily blogs criticising all connected to the campaign, make you look like a bitter twisted old man. The people you are criticising are coming out of it smelling of roses, as they have not stooped to such despicable depths!

In your daily drawn out rants, you seem to have by passed the fact that at the centre of this saga, is a young lady who was severely, and systematically sexually abused for fourteen years!
When I first heard of Hollies case, I was so moved, that I vowed to myself, that if it takes the rest of my life, I will be involved in her fight for justice, and you Mr Greg Lance-Watkins, nor anyone else will de-rail me!

I grew up in one of the worst effected areas of Northern Ireland, for thirty years I dodged bombs and bullets, so please, please believe me, that your naming me in your daily rants, bothers me not one jot!!!!!

I am not the UKIP, do not expect political diplomacy from me, or you will be severely disappointed!

As for me apologizing to you, I think you are lower than a wart on a snakes belly, and as we say here in Northern Ireland, 'dream on fella'!

This will be my one and only response to you. From the beginning of this campaign, it has been very evident, that every single week, someone starts something to distract everyone, and have everyone waste their energy on issues other than Hollies fight for justice.

I have seen this pattern, and I will not be side tracked by you or anyone else. I know in advance that you will now try to draw me into long drawn out communications with you, Im not buying it.
So do your worst, call me for everything on your blogs, I dont give a shit! I will not ever again be even checking into your site to read your venom.

Sandra Barr

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