Saturday, May 1, 2010

Message of Thanks To Everyone From Robert Green

I would like to start by personally thanking all of you for the massive contributions which each of you have made in promoting Hollie’s cause. It is easy to forget the huge strides that have been made in the past 3 months. Back in January hardly anyone knew the name “Hollie Greig” but now our cause is known around the globe and we have overcome all the obstacles put in our way by the politicians, courts and media. It is clear that our enemies are running scared and we are winning the battle to achieve justice for Hollie and all the other abused children.

I firmly believe that we need to look forwards, not backwards, and to build on what we have achieved so far. We need to stay focused on the big picture and recognise that it is beyond doubt that certain elements will try to undermine and destroy us.

With hindsight, I would have dealt differently with the issues raised by the BBC's Mark Daly on the Tony Legend show. Please remember that I am not a battle hardened investigative reporter and am learning as I go. Having said that I would contend that I ended the programme having scored a points victory over Mark Daly who is a battle hardened investigative reporter with the resources of one of the world’s largest media organisations at his disposal.

Mark raised the issue that two of the named abusers, were not as I had stated, brother and sister. The facts of the matter are that both Hollie and Anne were told separately that these two people were siblings. Investigations in the past few days have revealed that it is unlikely that these two people are close relatives. The claims made by Mark that some of the named victims were either in their late teens or not even born at the time of the allegations is quite simply utterly false and frankly, nonsensical.

It is worth noting that Mark never mentioned these matters when we were in the process of making the documentary-which-never-was. Neither was the nature of Roy Greig’s death ever discussed with Mark as the autopsy was not released until 31st December 2009.

I do not believe that Mark was able to challenge any of the evidence which points to a cover up, namely: the fact that Dennis Mackie is living as a free man in Portugal; the suspicious death of Roy and the 12 year delay in releasing the autopsy; the unlawful sectioning of Anne and the missing paperwork; the extreme measures taken by the Scottish legal system to attempt to silence both myself and the mainstream media.

Also in recent days, we have seen the main Facebook group bite the dust for reasons which we will probably never fully understand. I would like to thank everyone who was involved in the group as it played a major role in spreading the word about Hollie’s case. We are faced with a Catch 22 situation because, while we obviously want to maximise awareness, when any group reaches a certain size it attracts an element who, even although their intentions may be honourable, detract from the objectives of the group as a whole. The main Facebook group is gone and it is time to look forwards and to keep taking positive action.

Currently my efforts are 100% focused on the General Election. We intend to win the Aberdeen South seat and create the biggest shock in British political history. On the wider campaign, there has been a great deal of very significant information gathered in recent weeks which will be brought to your attention after May 6th. I have become aware of the need to ensure that we use the correct tactics both in dealing with the media and in preparing for potential legal battles ahead. I am taking steps to bring people onboard who possess the necessary expertise.

Finally, I would like to thank you all again for your amazing work so far and to urge you to keep looking forwards and continue your efforts to achieve justice for Hollie and all the other abused children.

Robert Green

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