Saturday, May 1, 2010

Levy and McRae Financials and Angelioni

Stuart Usher commented:

"The following is from a letter to Peter Watson and Callum Anderson at Levy &
McRae Solicitors (Angiolini's lawyers) dated Tuesday 9 February 2010 ...

"It is very interesting that you refuse to answer a fundamental question
pertaining to your client, now asked several times :

"Are your legal fees being paid out of Angiolini's own pocket or from the
Scottish taxpayer? I'm sure the people of Scotland, and the many now very
interested in Hollie's case UK and world-wide, would like to know the answer to
that question. Perhaps you might now be a bit more forthcoming, instead of
hiding behind Ms Angiolini's dark cloak of "client confidentiality", as that is
a question clearly in the public interest".

Strange that they never responded and refused to engage with our colleague on
this matter!

(A full copy of that letter can be provided to any interested parties)."

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