I recently posted a comment left by a supposed self-proclaimed pedophile, in which he suggests my pedophile symbol collection is outdated by listing variants he and his ilk often use to fool the public. After posting the comment, I was asked for more information on the symbols. I have gone through all of the posts I’ve made previously to gather the symbols and online codes into this one post for easy reference.
Please, feel free to copy and paste the following anywhere and everywhere you feel it will do some good.
These images were discovered by undercover volunteers on a website created by online sexual predators, where they instruct young girls and children that sex with older men is natural and their parents are lying to them and cannot be trusted because they are possessive and don’t want their children to feel good.
It has been speculated by some around the net in discussion about these symbols that these meanings and even existence of the symbols are untrue, but those statements have been made by pedophiles whose primary goal it is to corrupt exposed discoveries about them. These people have often used these symbols on their own websites, and the jewelry is no figment of the imagination!
- A heart within a heart, or “GLogo” “GirlLover” is used by pedophiles attracted to girls. The heart in a heart, to them, represents a adult/ female child relationship.
- A blue spiral-shaped triangle symbol, or “BLogo” “BoyLover”, symbolizes a boy (small triangle) surrounded by an older male (larger triangle)- and is meant to show adult/male child relationships.
- The butterfly CLogo a.k.a. “ChildLover” (commonly looks like four touching hearts) in pink/blue represents non-preferential gender pedophiles (girl or boy attracted, often both).
- The yin-yang looking circle is CGlogo, used in reference to the website, Common Ground, which was created as a place for both girl and boy attracted pedophiles to meet and sympathize with each other.
- The pink/blue triangles is “AmaroSymbol” is a variation of the CGLogo.
Recently, I received a comment from a suspected pedophile bragging about the newest additions to their collections. These logos were not created by them but are already in place as innocent designs for unrelated issues. The purpose for using these common images is to fool society into not thinking twice when seeing someone wearing these items. In the words of the person who commented to me:
We do not adhere strictly to the shapes you posted. We can modify them slightly and still recognize other girl and boy lovers. I am sure you have seen the new necklace designed by Jane Seymour. You probably have a pendant of your own. The ladies like them. So do little girls and little girl lovers. When asked about mine and why I wear a bit of woman’s jewelry, I say it is a reminder of my dead wife and child. Don’t you know, people don’t like talking to widowers because it is a sore subject. They would rather change the subject fast, and so I escape further prying into my necklace that signals other girl lovers that I am a GL. For my BL attraction, I don the wiccan triple knot. I know too of GLs who use the Roxy surfer girl heart logo and BLs who use the pagan vaulknot. These are both variations of the GL heart logo and the BL triangle logo but the public will never know the difference.
The items to which he is referring:
Jane Seymore’s Wiccan Triple knot Roxy Surfer Girl Valknot
Additionally, I recently posted remarks by pedos on a pedophile site in regards to the attire they wear to celebrate Alice Day and the lighting of pink candles: (clicking on the names will direct you to the exact quotes in their full spirit, including information about how they promote their deviances)
I will be wearing my GLogo t-shirt with my GLogo pendent for all to see!!!. I guess I will be doing what I do everyday, just hangout with friends and maybe if it’s nice out, skateboard a bit etc. I don’t have a LGF so I won’t be spending anytime with little girls or boys but I will go to the park and LG watch. I also try to do a bit of CL activism on Alice Day or any day for that matter, in the sense that every time I see an opportunity I drop off a few pamphlets, flyers and cards that I always carry around in my backpack……My suggestion to you or to anybody who reads this post is to celebrate Alice Day by lighting a pink candle in you’re home or in public with a small note attached explaining what this holiday is about and what it means to be a girl lover.
I will be spending the day at a local market filled with beautiful LG’s. Kinda boring, but I will at least be wearing a pink t-shirt. I doubt anyone will catch on, but you never know
I think the t-shirt thing is just to wear any kind of a pink shirt on Alice Day. That way if any asks if you’re a pedo, you can claim you have no idea what they’re talking about…and how dare they insinuate such a thing! lol.
Pedobear is said to have originally begun as a way for young members of chan sites (4chan, 7chan, 12chan…) to call attention to pedophiles in their midst pretending to be kids to get their information. The pedophiles have since adopted Pedobear as their symbol of pride on the chan sites, claiming that the invention of the bear is a “loving gesture” toward them.
There are also abbreviations you should be aware of. The intention is to classify their interests for other pedophiles within their ring:
- AoA: Short for “age of attraction” meaning the age groups of children they are attracted to
- MAA: Minor attracted adult (used in reverse of the word “pedophile”, though it is the same and places the child as responsible for the abuse)
- AoC: Age of (legal) consent
- CL: ChildLover/pedophile
- GL: Girl Lover/Attracted to girls
- BL: BoyLover/Attracted to boys
- YF: Young Friend, used when speaking about a victim
- CP: Child Porn (Which could mean anything from photos of naked or half-naked children to photos of actual child rape/torture)
- LG: Little Girl
- LB: Little Boy
- GM: Girl Moment – which is time spent with a young girl (that can either be a passing second consisting of nothing more than a glance or a smile, or a lengthy visit with a girl);
- BM: Boy Moment – same as Girl Moment
Then there are the chats, or message boards:
- CG: known as Common Ground, a place for pedophiles of both preferences. Common ground, while being the one that touts of being for “all” pedophiles is less used than either of the other forums:
- GC: GirlChat- for those that favor victimizing girls
- BC: BoyChat- for those that favor victimizing boys
and Pedophile Organizations:
- NAMBLA: North American Man/Boy Love Association
- IBLD: International Boy Love Day – this is an actual Pedophile Holiday celebrated by them on June 23 of each year.
- Newgon: Pedophile version of Wikipedia
- CLOMA: Child Love Online Media Activism
If there is any further information I may have missed, I will add it as soon as possible. Keep an eye on the comments section in the event someone has something vital to add (and feel free if you have something I missed, please!).
The main message of the commenter, and all pedophiles, was that no one cares about abused children because society refuses to speak of it or even acknowledge that. I believe it is damned time to change that, and I have something in mind to deal with it, which I will be posting about soon. Be prepared to stand with me.
Never forget: In the fight against child sexual abuse, there are only two sides – For or Against. Those fighting “For” are pulling no punches. Can those “Against” say the same?
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