Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Blackmailed by Freemason Police Officer George Hall

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Blackmailed by Freemason Police Officer George Hall

This is scumbag Police Officer George Hall, of 16 John Buchan Drive, Cruden Bay, in Peterhead in Aberdeenshire.

He recently attempted to extort money out of a profoundly deaf women who is an ex girlfriend.

He said that if she did not pay him £300 within ten days, then he would show off private photos of the deaf women in public, in the small, close knit community.

This scumbag did not even have the guts to make his demands in person, instead he sent the woman text messages, in October 2004, and again in March of 2005, demanding money from the deaf woman, else he would publicly display intimate photos of the deaf woman which were taken when they were together.

Incredibly, and highly suspicously, Sheriff Edward Savage decided that the actions of scumbag Police Officer George Hall would not place the profoundly deaf women "in a state of fear or alarm". He also decided that sending text messages in an attempt to blackmail money from a deaf women did not constitute a 'breach of the peace'.


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