Sunday, May 29, 2011


 A very quite and very rainy weekend here .....
a morning walk (between showers) and lots of weekend 
paper reading .....

I made a big pot of winter soup ...  made from the recipe below (one of those Sunday paper tear outs)
I replaced the brown rice with green lentils, and the silver beet with a big bunch of spinach .....

.... and it turned out amazing, I think it could become my favorite winter soup !!!

 Malcom did manage to get a little bit of Saturday morning sun at the window ....

and rainy weather always calls for an afternoon DVD ....

 we watched this film
(we missed out on seeing it when it was at the theatre) ....

.... we really loved it.

A French film, a big bowl (or two) of soup and some good chocolate always makes a rainy afternoon nicer !!!

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