Friday, May 13, 2011


This beautiful photograph ....
 via here
this outdoor area (loving the lights) ....
via here
.... and Jenny Holzer's words in the window of The School of Life.

Dee's photographs from her family trip home to South Africa .... 
I love her style of photography, especially her London and 
cafe shots
... it was hard to pick favorites from this trip
but I think it would have to be this beautiful place ...

  this great cafe ....

her daughter Limi enjoying time with her cousin ...

.... and this beach, where you can hang out with the local penguins.
 Thanks for the tour Dee.

Really liking this dining space, especially the oversized shade ...
via here

.... and this recipe for Quinoa patties
(I haven't made them yet but I plan to)
 These stamps look kind of fun ....
via here
..... and how adorable is this little guy !!!
 via here
A bit late with Friday Favorites this week (has anyone else been having trouble with blogger?)

Hope you have a lovely weekend

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