Saturday, May 21, 2011


 Yesterday was one of those perfect Sydney autumn days .... 
and what nicer way to spend it than on Sydney Harbor at The Sydney Writers Festival ....
we started with breakfast on the wharf
(bacon and egg tarts and coffee) ....

 with this great view ....

 watching the fishermen ....

 .... then it was here for this,
Brendan Cowell was great (and I saw A.A. Gill outside too) ....

 walked ....

 up these stairs ....

   dropped into Ariel Books at the rocks .....
 it was nice to see this wonderful blog has been made into a book ....

 called in here for a browse .....

 .... and then strolled back to the train station for our trip home.

I didn't take my camera with me so all these shots were taken on my iPhone ... it's the first time I have ever taken photos with it (my daughter had to show me how) I being not all that tech savvy only use my phone for "talking" to people ... must say it was kind of fun !!!

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