Friday, May 20, 2011


 Unpackaged in London, love the concept and the store window.
via here

This Sartorialist shot ....

 the newest Selby post ...

....  and this great space (reminds me of this post).
via here

Olga Bennett's Environments 
  received my copy in the post this week, so lovely ....

.... and just ordered a copy of this magazine after seeing it on Elizabeth's blog ... 
(oh and Elizabeth just happens to be featured in Environments)

Loving this idea ... boat bumpers for parking in the streets of Paris, Genius !!!
via here

 The Sydney Writers Festival .... always a treat ....
today we saw Emma Forrest .... great girl, funny, smart and very lovely ....

....  tomorrow Brendan Cowell. 
(who just happened to be at the Emma Forrest talk today)

Today was one of those perfect Autumn days .... hope this beautiful weather continues
(I love Autumn)
Happy Friday
 Hope you have a great weekend

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