Saturday, April 30, 2011


 A quite Saturday and few little touches to our home ....

 framed a new drawing bought on etsy ....

 cleaned up an old chair that was under the house .... (I found it a while back on a roadside junk pile and popped it under the house with plans of cleaning it up, then I kind of forgot about it) .....

makes a great bedroom chair (I still have to cover it properly) ....

 added a new little dog picture to the frame wall (it's a Brett Whiteley that I tore out of an old book) I love it .....

 painted this little kids chair, actually there are two (they used to be red when my kids used them) should come in handy for little visitors .....

 ..... and replaced the water in the Easter daisies, which are still going strong from last weekend ....
gotta be happy with that !!!

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