Monday, April 25, 2011


It's been a bit of a wet Easter in this part of the world .... 
but we did manage a little day trip to Wollombi and the Hunter Valley vineyards ....

 Wollombi is a lovely little town ....

  lots of great old shacks, which reminded me very much of 
this book ....

A tavern ....

 beautiful stone buildings ...

.... we even saw Jesus !!!

  There was an old Police Station / Court house / prison ....
complete with prisoners exercise yard. 

 I really liked the art work in this restaurant ....

and this quaint little shack ....

 ..... which was actually for sale.

We drove on a little further to Pokolbin and had a lovely late Sunday lunch at Cafe Enzo ....
(sorry no pics)
 a day with family, good food, good wine and beautiful country air is very good for the soul indeed.

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