Thursday, April 21, 2011


In honor of Easter .... some bunnies !!!

 I love these little guys by Lucy May Schofield .... presented here in an installation (don't you just love the shadows) they are based on a 1940's design and you can sew them yourself from this kit , and I think in the case of most bunnies "the more the Merrier".
via here

Nine Rabbits (gallery) by Lucy May Schofield

I really like this rabbit .....  
(wish I knew more about him) ....

and the rabbit lamp is an old favorite (and still on my wish list) ....


.... and these mask photographs by Phoebe Ford (formally Reid)  .... so great
read more about her here .....

..... and finally, you can't have bunnies without bunny food  .... 
I have made these carrots before and I can highly recommend them.
via here

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