Wednesday, April 20, 2011


This is our fridge .... our very busy fridge. I can't remember not having a fridge covered in photos .... I know at first I put up photos to cover our very old rusty fridge, then we got a new one and I thought I might leave it a bit bare for a while, which lasted about 2 days .... it just didn't feel right, so slowly it got back to being full again, which is much more fun. 
Everyone who comes to visit loves looking at it (and seeing if their photo is there) 
If they see themselves it's always "Oh great we made the fridge"

Before ....

After ....
My favorite fridge additions are these magnet bodies to stick on photos, I love them, they move around a lot depending on who we feel like dressing up ....

my favorite is the "nerd" ..... that's my son looking very nerdy (love that he was already wearing a fake moustache) .....

and the muscle man is a good friend of ours, for some reason all the magnets look good on him ...

but I do love him as a cheer girl ... and that's my ballerina husband (fake moustache and all) 
such an attractive pair ....
I love seeing these photos everyday ... and so much better than having them sitting in a photo album, even though I do have plenty of those as well !!!

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