Friday, April 1, 2011


This great photograph (taken in Surry Hills) by this lovely girl .....

... she also photographed this very good looking coffee (I can almost taste it) at Four ate Five in Surry Hills.  

 Love this Garance Dore shot .... so cute.

 I must say I totally agree with Alice !!!
 via here

This lovely bedroom ....
via here
 and this gorgeous little book, especially these lines  ....
 "On Sunday mornings, as soon as the sun comes out,
Camille opens her eyes and puts on her battledress:
a tutu and a top hat. She has so many things to do"
via here 

.... and it could go on this tree bookshelf, isn't it great !!!
via here

These Mud Australia teacups .....  

... and these old chairs ... all in a days work for this lovely girl.

Really liking these stairs, I think I will do similar with my stairs in this room, I know mine are nothing like them, but I think the white sides could work well ....
via here 
... and do you remember my book pile from this post ? 
Well I finally got the bookshelves put up  ... I'm one happy girl (I'm pretty easily pleased) I will take some photos and show you next week.

Hope you have had a nice week ... 
  I plan to do a lot more painting and book sorting this weekend .... but who knows !!!
What are you up to?

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