Saturday, April 30, 2011


 A quite Saturday and few little touches to our home ....

 framed a new drawing bought on etsy ....

 cleaned up an old chair that was under the house .... (I found it a while back on a roadside junk pile and popped it under the house with plans of cleaning it up, then I kind of forgot about it) .....

makes a great bedroom chair (I still have to cover it properly) ....

 added a new little dog picture to the frame wall (it's a Brett Whiteley that I tore out of an old book) I love it .....

 painted this little kids chair, actually there are two (they used to be red when my kids used them) should come in handy for little visitors .....

 ..... and replaced the water in the Easter daisies, which are still going strong from last weekend ....
gotta be happy with that !!!

Sunday Scans: Graduation/capping/convocation


That was 1980, I was capped on the same day as the water engineer. We both got our bachelors. My sister Margaret came up to Auckland. We pitied her, she sat through two sessions. The water engineer went on to get a PhD, and my late friend Ken Thornton said I got an honorary PhT, (Putting husband through,)

My second daughter G will be capped tomorrow. She will be getting an LLB.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Schneider Gaussoptik Software Available

In case you need to design a lens or two, Schneider offers what appears to be a free download of its Gaussoptik software here.

Elsewhere on Schneider's unusually informative website, you can see their newer tilt shift lenses for Nikon, Mamiya and Canon at the understandable prices of about $4500 each.

And speaking of Gauss, possibly the most important scientist and mathematician ever for among other things his elucidation of the theory of distribution which applies to virtually everything, we are coming up on Chladni Day at Soundwave Research Laboratories, sponsor of this project. I'll alert you to more on Chladni as the day approaches.

weekend Bridge: Boat jetty

Where the rich people park their boats at Half Moon bay. I don't own a boat, just as well, I get very sea sick.

macro flowers saturday: Found in Singapore

Macro Flower Saturday

Sorry I don't know the name, may be Jama will be able to tell us. I was in the Singapore when I went snapping photos of plants instead of animals.


This beautiful work by  Paul W Ruiz
thanks for the intro Greer.
 What's not to love about Sophie Cuvelier and her
Fabulous Garlands .... 

... and his amazing space.
click image for a better look.
 via here
 Loafers .... 
 via here
.... and blazers, always classic.
 via here
These wise words ....
via here
this vintage medicine cabinet ....
 via here

..... and this beautiful hair.
via here

and  I really like the look of this film .... 
.... and I love this cat, such attitude !!!
via here

 Happy Friday ....
Hope you a great weekend