Tuesday, March 8, 2011

I'm So Jealous! < I'm So Happy For You!

Man, if I had a nickle for every time I heard someone use the phrase... "I'm so jealous," I'd be (at the very least) a freakin thousand-aire! Maybe even a millionaire!

This isn't the first time I've written about jealousy, but let's look at it like an anthropological study...

Right now I'm getting it about my travels and move to becoming a professional roller derby coach.

Last year it was about my losing 20 lbs, year before that it was my jamming, year before that it was... whatever, you get the picture.

And it isn't a pretty one, to be on the other end of jealousy.

My current answer to, "I'm so jealous!" is...

Damn, why can't you just be happy for me?  
When you get rad results from your hard work, I'm happy for you!

Hey, it's not like I haven't paid any dues here!

Here's the inherent problem with jealousy: and this is true wisdom about to be dropped, are you ready?

Jealousy only pushes you farther away from whatever it is that you truly want.

I've mentioned to you that I'm a steady believer in the Law Of Attraction.

Put simply, whatever you think about, you bring about. Like attracts like. Dislike attracts... more dislike!

I'm actually one of the contributing writers in this book...

There's plenty of science to back this theory, if you'd like a more logical explanation of the idea:

I remember the first time I read about this topic, in direct regards to jealousy. It was in Dan Millman's book,

He said he was watching a couple young ladies getting out of a fancy car and, had reaction that was negative. A jealous one.

And then he realized,

Wait, if I always think negatively about wealthy people, how am I ever going to attract wealth into my own life?

Since I am traveling so much, I've identified a few themes that are found in nearly every league.

One of them, in particular, is the fancy skater who gets hated on.

He or she is usually the one who came in with prior ice, speed, jam, or figure skating experience. Most of your favorite skaters on high level teams fit this description in their league. 

But for some reason people seem to resent the fancy ones closest to them... in their own league...

For your consideration....

If you generate a negative response (jealousy) every time someone does something fancy, or awesome... then how are you ever going to attract fancy and awesome into your own life??

Learn to just be happy for people! And you know what?

If you can look at something that's clearly making someone else happy and learn to be happy for them, then you will get more happy.

It's science!

Look, I've done this myself. So I know it's possible to reprogram the instinct to resent. It just takes work.

If you can't get motivated enough by the idea of being a person who's more fun to have around, then do it for selfish reasons:

Being happy for other people's success will benefit you personally with more success of your own!

If you believe in magic. And I hope you do.

Have a very tremendously-deliciously-successful rad day today!

 Here's my parting gifts, till next we meet:

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