Friday, March 25, 2011

Anna-Wili Highfields copper pipe "Dancing Horse" sculpture, I love, love, love it !!!

Good coffee  .....
 via here
beautiful flowers .....
 via here
.... and chocolate cake.
via here

This great photo ... 
click image to enlarge ....
 found here via here

.... and this bathroom, really liking the black window frame .....
see more of the home here.

This sweet girl sent me a link for this amazing home, she said she thought of me when she saw it and thought I would like it, and how right she was.
Thanks Kristina
Liking this look  ....
 via here
..... and my dog Elvis
 ..... that little head tilt (it's his standard photo pose) never fails to make me smile !!!

Off to see this play tonight, by the look of the preview and the amazing cast, I think we're going to love it .... and it has a real duck in it too !!!

Have a look at these  Melbourne photos from this French girls recent trip, really great !!!

Happy Weekend

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