Monday, March 28, 2011


You may remember this post ..... well the "messy room" is now the "almost empty room".
When we moved into our house this room was a converted garage, there was carpet on the floor (not great, but ok) for a while it was a playroom for our kids (and a very good one at that) but as they got older and stopped using it, it slowly became more of a storage room.
Then we had a leak which wet all the carpet and it was kind of down hill from there and just became this.

So now we have plans to polish the concrete and give the walls a new coat of paint and a new lease of life ...

..... the desk was bought from a secondhand shop years ago, it is such a great desk but has never really been used properly (it was used for the kids computer back before the time of laptops and it was good to play shops, restaurants and games on) ....
but now it's time to make this little corner a bit more functional .... 
I love the challenge of a blank space ...
wish me luck !!!

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