Monday, June 28, 2010

A-Z Food Fun: W for waxed ducks

For more A-Z Food fun, visit Jen @
A-Z on Monday~~Letter W

Welcome to A-Z on Monday
where the alphabet gets tastier
every week!

When I was little, Dad and Mum used to buy this preserved ducks called waxed ducks. They were not really waxed but wind and sun dried. In order to dry them well, they are flatten like a disc.

It is very salty and you cut them into little pieces. The savoury oil drizzled in white rice makes the plain steamed white a very delicious flavoured rice. A little piece of duck meat goes a long way.

In Borneo, it is available only during Chinese New Year. They also sell these in Singapore, and in any where there are Chinese. There are also waxed Chinese sausages and belly of pork.

We do not buy them in my household. The water engineer doesn't like preservatives.

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