Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Hollie Greig "Cover-up" Conspiracy

In the end, its the cover-up that will get you. Just ask Richard Nixon. The final proof that a crime has been committed is the fact that so many people are working so hard to cover it up.

Consider the following as it pertains to Hollie Greig, Anne Greig and Robert Green:

• The fact Hollie was paid £13,500 by CICA (Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority).

• Neither Robert Green nor Anne Greig have been sued for slander by those they have named and shamed. Clear evidence of guilt on the part of the accused.

• Letter to Robert Green from the Crown Office stating that only 2 people have ever been questioned, Denis Mackie & Greg Mackie (2 years later).

• Sectioning of Anne and "missing" paperwork.

• 12 year delay in releasing Roy's autopsy

• Robert’s unlawful arrests and imprisonments

• Robert's cases being held "in camera" (Outside of public view)

• Robert's punitive bail conditions not supposed to mention case or use internet

• Interdict issued by Graham Buchanan to gag Robert

• No coverage in mainstream media - 2 Facebook groups "vanishing", first one with 10K members, next with 27K

• Ongoing harassment of Anne by Social Services

• Attack on Palestine Telegraph website after they published the story

• Refusal by Angiolini to answer questions in FOI request from "The Drum"

• Failure of any MP's/MSP's to mention case in public (all Scottish parliamentarians plus UK party leaders plus various English MP's are aware)

• No search warrant for entry into Robert's house in February

And the recent "Raid" on Anne's home where computers and other items were confiscated (then returned). Followed by the posting of photos that were taken in the raid, appearing on Greg-L "Rat-brain's" site.
Clear evidence that the "fallen one" is part of the cover-up and conspiracy as well.

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