Saturday, June 26, 2010

Back to the personal blog!

Hey, it's only been what, a million years since I've done any real writing for this blog, right?  Well, that's about to change (yay!) and I'm about to start updating again regularly (or as regularly as I can).  What I discovered is, while writing for my MIT Blog, it became very very difficult to update this one.  I don't know if you've tried to maintain two blogs but, well, I have now, and it wasn't exactly successful.  So we're back to this one again after a few years of hiatus, and I'm glad.

I don't have a whole lot now, this is mostly an "I'm back," but look for stuff coming in the future.  A lot has changed with me since I last wrote in this blog, I'm a different person.  I've experienced three years of college (hard college), Web 2.0 has blossomed into a tweet-erific, reddit-tastic, farmville nightmare.  So much of what I could write in here is probably already posted elsewhere on the internet, everything travels so quickly, so I'm left with a question:

Do I repost cool stuff that I find?
Do I write original content?

My time at MIT, if it's done anything at all, has certainly hurt my creative writing ability.  Everything is so technical that, even with classes designed to prod the creative part of my brain, my ability to "write entertaining things for fun" has vastly diminished.  This makes me sad.  Maybe starting to write for fun again will help nurture my dying creativity.  In order for this to happen, I'm leaning towards "write original content."  This could be hard, because I've already filled this blog with so much original content that, with any more, well, you may know more about me than I do.  Maybe not.  Like I said, a lot has happened in three years, and this could be a good chance for you to get to know me again.

One thing vastly different between this blog and my MIT blog is the readership and what each was trying to accomplish.  Everything I wrote at MIT was looked at with a critical eye, picked apart, and many times flung right back at me (maliciously at times).  Here, there are no rules, no stigmas, and the people reading will probably not consist of nearly as many current students.  I'd like to get back to my previous reader base, the wild wild users of the internet that DON'T live on the same campus as I do.  I like anonymous strangers reading my stuff, it's pleasant.

So there, a quick welcome back and some thoughts. Are you ready?  I am.

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