Sunday, June 6, 2010


Some where in Europe, a mum's arm is empty.
Some where in the USA, a mum's arm is empty twice.
Their babies have been plucked from their bossom.
People tell them Heaven has gained two angels.
But to these mums, they don't want their babies to be angels.
They want the babies right here with them.
Cry my dear M in Europe,
Cry my dear E in the USA.
Cry until your tears have run out.
I understand, because I was that mum too.
To those of my new readers, my baby son died almost twenty years ago from Campomelic syndrome. I am still with the group to encourage mums and share their grief.

Chrysanthemums are among my favourite flowers. I felt in love with them when I saw them in Auckland New Zealand.

The Buddhist and Chinese ancestor worshippers use this flower to worship their Gods. On the first and fifteen of the Lunar month, they would buy bunches to do their obeisance or "Bai Sin". They are also funeral flowers. They take them to the graveyard. I didn't know this because I grew up in a Roman catholic family and we didn't "Bai Sin".

When I buy them in Singapore, the florist asked why I buy them when it wasn't the first or the fifteenth. They asked if I have lost a loved one. I tell them, I just love the Chrysanthemums, I don't "Bai Sin."

Coincidentally, when my baby Andrew died, a very good friend gave me a pot of Chrysanthemums. G said she didn't want to give me a bunch of flowers since I had requested," No flowers." Later, when the flowers were gone, she told me that I could grow it in the garden. It thrived and flowered well. It gave me a mixed feeling of my thoughtful friend G, and it also gave me feelings of how much I missed Andrew.

These photos are from the Winter Garden in Auckland Domain. Now you know why it is one of my favourite places.

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