Thursday, June 3, 2010

Stewed Beef tendon

When I was living in Singapore, beef tendon noodle soup was quite popular. My friends told me with all my training for my marathon running, it was good to have this soup to build up my legs. I bought a bowl once with noodles, but I could hardly find any tendon. The vendor had ripped me off by selling me beef noodle soup. You see beef is very expensive over there, and tendon is even more expensive.

Yesterday, I was at my Asian supermarket, and they were selling some very good quality beef tendons. I have never cooked any before, but I was game. After buying a kilo, I scoured the spices rake and found this pack which says,"for meat soup". It has pepper, star anise, cinnamon, WA JIAO, a kind of tree pepper, and others I couldn't identified.

I google for recipe and one says it needs 4 hours to stew. I almost wish I didn't buy it, as the water engineer doesn't like beef, the daughter has turned vegetarian and chances are the son won't eat it as well. It took about 3 hours, and it was ready.

The verdict? Those of you who eat pork trotters, the beef tendon is similar except it is not so fatty. Would I cook it again? No, because no one else eats it , and besides I don't run marathons anymore. LOL

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