Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Watery Wednesday: Christchurch's earthquake 1st anniversary.

It rained,
It rained,
And it rained.
It rained the whole day.

The sky cried,
The sky cried for the 185 who died,
The sky cried for the buildings that fell.
The sky cried the whole day.

New Zealand mourned,
There was no a dry eye.
Even the children,

I taught my students,
why we wore red and black.
A student learn it very well.
For Christchurch,
For the earthquake.
For the people who died.

Here I recycle a post I did last November, as I see so appropriate.
For watery Wednesday here, you can't really see the water. The water mains had been broken by the earthquake, and Kim and Lynn were washing the car after driving through the broken sewage pipes,

I was down in Christchurch for the weekend in August. There are two stories here that are so incredulous that you just have to trust me.

During the two days I was there, there were 4 aftershocks of low magnitude and I was unaware of them.

On Saturday, my host friends took me to the fringes of the inner city and I saw mainly the old churches which were affected. On the way home, Jenny Ah Peng saw about 6 inches of bubbling water, and as she drove through them she joked that she got a free car wash. The next moment, she was @@##$ about driving through the sewage water. I was concentrating on the water at the kerb and didn't smell anything despite having the window wound down. Their mum and Kim and Lynn smelt the awful smell. All except me.

Now I tell you why, I think I have posted it before. When I was about 3 years old, my Dad went to London to study. We moved back to my grand Dad's house. At that time in the 50s, there was no power or TV or radio. To entertain us, my uncles performed magic tricks. One of these tricks was to put a peanut up their nostril and have it reappear in their arm pit. Impressionable me, I tried to imitate. My peanut got stuck in my nostril. All efforts to dig the peanut out failed and it remained in my nostril because my grand Dad was worried it would be pushed further if they tried to dig it. So my peanut remained in my nose nostril for many months. One day, we took a boat to my maternal grandma's house. I jumped from the jetty to the boat. As I jumped, my peanut came out. It had swollen and grown whitish. I had grown quite fondly of it. I was exclaiming, " My peanut! my peanut!" and showing it to everyone.

I also learn a new word with the earth quake, liquefaction: loosely packed, water-logged sediments come loose from the intense shaking of the earthquake and the smell!!!! Good thing I can't smell.

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