Friday, February 10, 2012


The beautiful seats in this bar
via here

 this homemade version of the Koushi Lamp
details here 
via here ......

the snow in London
(photographed perfectly by Dee) ....

.... and Raw Brownies
  this is one of the easiest (and healthiest) recipes I've made in a long time 
I'm addicted !!!
These cats doing some very good yoga moves ....
 via here

these beautiful platters .....
via here

 this film, we saw it during the week and loved it ....
(a lot of mixed responses from fellow viewers as we exited the theatre, I love eavesdropping on peoples conversations after a film)
 .... anyone seen it ?
I'd love to know what you thought .....
trailer here

these words ....
via here

.... and looking very forward to seeing THYESTES at 
(apparently it's not a play for the fainthearted)
should be interesting !!!

Hope you have a lovely weekend 
any plans ?

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