Thursday, February 2, 2012

Skywatch Friday: In the Sky In Papua New Guinea.

The water engineer flew over the mountains and took this photo.

Yesterday, MV Rabaul ferry sank in the east coast of Papua New Guinea. Survivers said they battled to stay alive after the ferry overturned in rough seas.

As many as 100 people remain unaccounted for after the 22-year-old Japanese-built ferry sank near the end of its 20-hour, 290-nautical mile journey between Kimbe and PNG's second largest city, Lae, on Thursday morning (AEDT).

There were 350 passengers and 12 crew on board.

"We were in the top deck, first class,'' said Alice Kakamara, 30, from her hospital bed in Lae's Angau hospital.

"The sea was really rough, windy, big waves. The boat tilted once, then twice then three times and it went over.

"There was oil everywhere.''

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