Sunday, February 12, 2012

Tobias Feltus and Rachel Rayns on New55

Edinburgh: February 8, 2012:  Artists Tobias Feltus and Rachel Rayns recent collaborations include the first uses of New55 FILM in Europe, marking a milestone in the progress to bring 4x5 instant film back to photographers.  Rayns, noted for her self portraits, experimental motion pictures, and the highly visible "Soup Lab" posed for this portrait in a portrait for artist and photographer Tobias Feltus of Edinburgh, Scotland during a visit there.

"We got one decent shot out of the five" remarked Tobias Feltus, who is part of the New55 group and is recommending improvements. "The pods are too full, and we could only get them in [to the 545 holder] by opening it first." he remarked.

Despite this, the New55 negative yielded a photograph showing Rayns and one of her trademark expressions on The Impossible Project film.

"We have a way to go", said Bob Crowley, who has financed New55 to-date. "The progress has been good, and there is no reason we cannot produce this film without defects in the future if we have adequate financing."

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