Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Purple Cake day: Kids helping Kids all over the World.

Today is Purple Cake Day.

For our school, Pt chevalier School, Phil Spriggs, the Deputy Principal was in charge of this special event. The teachers and some parents took part. Some children brought purple cakes for the staff. I know, in one class, a mum made cupcakes for all the children. Some of the classes had a shared breakfast of purple cup cakes, some of them made purple cup cakes. Most of them wore purple and donated a gold coin for the children in Nepal.

We raised more $660. A fantastic effort for a primary school.

Nepal has a special place in my heart, About 12 years ago, I spearheaded a fundraising exercise in the Nanyang Technological University to help separate a pair of Siamese/Con-jointed twins from Nepal in Singapore.

What is purple Cake Day?

Purple Cake Day is about connecting children around the world.

Children in Nelson, New Zealand and New Jersey, USA were skyping to learn more about each other's Purple Cake Day. We now have over 1000 people in 28 countries who have downloaded our Resource Kit to learn about Purple Cake Day and the projects we support. 

On 1 st March – there were sporting events and bake sales to purple dress and wearable art, from small to big events, from classrooms to whole schools and communities.

There is tremendous support and recognition. There is real benefit in making these global connections, helping children understand their role in the global community and empowering them to take part in change. 

Children in orphanages in the Congo and Burundi will be celebrating and having purple parties.

At an International School in Bordeaux, France, children will wear purple, make flags of hope, draw and give their thumbs up to Purple Cake Day.

At the Children of Haiti Project in Haiti – one of our project partners - older kids will wear purple ribbons and help clean up rubbish in the tent camp they live in. The little ones will sing, draw, read and play games.

In Hong Kong, at the 10 Woodland Pre-schools, it's going to be a purple day, with purple decorations and purple clothing. And at Citykids Preschool, children are making and selling bead necklaces, butterfly pencils, ladybug fridge magnets and bumblebee bookmarks

In Nepal, our project partners First Steps Himalaya have organised a Mad Hatters Tea Party. Its going to be a fun filled family friendly event - yummy food, purple cakes & drinks, kids art exhibition, competition and prizes, stalls, music and kids corner. They're also running an art competition and lots of rural Nepalese children are competing. There'll be a special purple party, as well as an environmental clean-up. Also in Nepal, our project partners In Time Trust are organising a rubbish collection day at the Kailash Bodhi School.

In the United Kingdom, a school in Portsmouth is planning a purple day. And One World Nannies will be celebrating too.

And moving to the US, we have a preschool and church in Bozeman, Montana turning purple. In San Luis Obispo, California, 10 schools with YMCA afterschool programs have all sorts of purple activities planned, from studying Nepal and eating Nepalese food through to a "who can wear the most purple?" competition. We have wonderful ambassadors in SLO, who have lots of businesses on board for support as well. And at Brigantine Elementary, New Jersey they've been turning purple all week, with "thumbs up", the toy box, bake sale combined with exercise class and studying Nepal.

In New Zealand, lots of schools and groups are getting involved, turning purple, selling cakes and donating. There are also sponsored sports activities, purple yoga and purple icecreams and in Nelson the businesses and Saturday market have already turned purple.

We have New Zealand TV personalities giving us the thumbs up .

Countries involved: Angola, Australia, Belgium, Cambodia, Canada, Dubai, France, Germany, Haiti, Hong Kong, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Ivory Coast, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Singapore, South Africa, Switzerland, Taiwan, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom and United States.

What a wonderful day it was. If those students were like me, they would remember the day even when they are 50 years old and blog about it.

It's a small world after all
It's a world of laughter
A world of tears
It's a world of hopes
And a world of fears
There's so much that we share
That it's time we're aware
It's a small world after all

It's a small world after all
It's a small world after all
It's a small world after all
It's a small, small world

There is just one moon
And one golden sun
And a smile means
Friendship to every one
Though the mountains divide
And the oceans are wide
It's a small world after all

It's a small world after all
It's a small world after all
It's a small world after all
It's a small, small world

Thursday Theme Song.



more here
found via here

watery wed: making pizza in school 4
How do you make an outdoor pizza oven in school?

Clay from a farm, be careful if you dig your garden, the clay is not too sandy.
Washed sand
Wooden chips
Water to mix

Very important extras:

Helping hands and legs from students of Diocesan school for girls"

Your own senior students, h

An expert Ron Sperber of

A paparazzi to record all the buzzing excitement.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Some very beautiful works by artist Hein Koh  .....

Healing Dots #4, burnt canvas

Form #6, burnt canvas

Scorched, burnt string on canvas

Form #2, burnt canvas

Burst, burnt canvas

found via here

Monday, February 27, 2012

Ruby red/rednesday: Making pizza in school 2

We are very lucky to have the students from Diocesan school for girls to help us build our pizza oven. Under the instruction of Ron Sperber of, they and our senior students built what I dub as a traditional oven using traditional material and traditional method.

I will post more on this. I spoke with Ron briefly and he told me he is involved with
which fits nicely with my Save the world theme.


What a great experience our students had.

Scenic Sunday/Sunday bridge: Singapore

The Water Engineer went to Singapore on work assignment. He bought himself a nice camera, which operates like a mobile phone.

I shall be posting his photos. This is a new bridge on the Singapore river. I don't remember seeing it when I last lived there in 2006.


Sunday, February 26, 2012


 Loving these photographs by the lovely Luisa Brimble .....

.... kind of wishing my morning ritual was like this !!!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Flowers: Trumpet vine

The trumpet vine or trumpet creeper (Campsis radicans), also known as "cow itch vine" and (in horticulture) as "hummingbird vine", is a large and vigorous woody vine of the family Bignoniaceae, notable for its showy trumpet-shaped flowers. It is native to woodlands and riverbanks of the southeastern United States, but is a popular garden perennial plant across much of the US and southern Canada, as some cultivars are hardy to as low as -30°F/-34°C.

Macro Flower Saturday
Macro Flower Saturday Macro Flower Saturday ">