Sunday, August 21, 2011

A word on comment spam

Blogger is better than some at detecting and preventing comment spam - unwanted or random ads, messages and other "junk" that is directed to the comments sections of blogs and other groups. Normally there is no spam, as google has done a good job with blogger's spam detection system. It is one reason I prefer blogger, but it isn't perfect, so occasionally (like when I am doing another project or taking time off) I switch off "allow anonymous comments".  That's what it is set at now, and an anonymous comment may go through, or be directed to the filter - it is hard to tell.

Most of the comments are not anonymous and so should not be a problem. If you are an anonymous commenter, I still welcome your comment, but please give yourself a name of some sort (there are several ways to do this, including gmail, flickr, etc.) and use it so it can clear the settings and be published as fast as possible.

If you have commented and got lost in the spam filter, try again. Sometimes the spam filter thinks real comments are spam. I'll try this for a while and see how it works out. About a year ago I had to do the same thing and made various remarks here, then spam settled down (or blogger changed something) and I reopened anonymous comments.

Trade school students adjusting spam filters at St. George's, Mobberly

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