Friday, August 5, 2011


This horse head in the newest Papier Mache magazine ..... 
I want one !!!
via here

 This beautiful polaroid by Sibylle Bergemann
thanks Christine.

This space (loving those black floors) .....
 via here

..... and I think these are very wise words indeed !!!
via here
Top knots .... 
via here

.... and tennis, I haven't played for a long time but after seeing this photograph I want to !!!
via here

Poached eggs on a bed of spinach could make a nice weekend
breakfast .....
via here
   really liking my new reading glasses (which also happen to be my first) ....

... and I'm loving this adventurous peacock who escaped from the Central Park Zoo and was spotted on a window ledge on
Fifth Avenue .....

this great use for old cigarette vending machines .....

..... and I really want to see Babies, read about it here
thanks for the tip Diana

Hope you have a wonderful weekend 

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