Tuesday, March 22, 2011


I have already sung the praises of Dee Purdy and her lovely blog
here and here ..... her photographs just seem to get better and better ....
the way she captures her hometown of London (Dee is actually South African and married to an Australian) never fails to give me butterflies (and London envy) whether she's discovering new cafes, London's great markets or my new favorite, her street style shots, Dee always manages to capture each moment perfectly ....
click on photos for a better look

 I think one of my favorite shots is of this divine London couple 
I really have to agree with what Dee wrote about them ...

"Do you ever see people and wish that you knew them.....you just know that you could be great friends? i do it all the time...i come home and tell A. that i bumped into a new best friend today....they just didn't realise it."

Dee and her adorable daughter Limi ....

Keep up the great work Dee ...
If I were a publisher I would be snapping you up for a book deal right now !!!

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