Thursday, March 31, 2011

Tonight we drink to heartache

Tonight we drink to heartache, and we can't get drunk enough

You crush each individual grape between your toes.

Your eyes are numb as you sense the juices flow.

And we curl our fingers around your momentary love.

We lay down in your coalstack but we are not warm enough.

You crush each individual grape between your toes.

Each lover kisses your drying blood to life before he goes.

We hold your head steady in your pool of eternal love.

We light ourselves a fire around the secrets that you grow.

Each moment is eternal that you crush between your toes.

And before you bury us we hold you long and deep.

Eternal is a moment in your drunken dreamless sleep.

Graduation and Beyond.... Creating My Brand!

It's been a long 2 years. Setbacks, breakup, lost ties, and everything else imaginable but God has held me down through it all. So what exactly is the next big thing for B?

Well for starters I will graduate tomorrow obtaining a degree in Surgical Technology. It may not sound like much right now but one can't go wrong in the healthcare field. If I'm gonna fall back on anything I'd want to have cushion on something that will keep me afloat in case another "recession" wants to rear it's ugly head.

I have no limitations about relocating out of my element as I'm ready to embark on what the rest of the world has to offer me.

Looking forward I have a dream that I have envisioned for myself since way back. To create something that I can call my own, network, and hopefully prosper with. I'm in the process creating an entertainment website. It's still being developed but so far I'm happy with the way it's shaping up. I want to stand apart from all the rest and bring stories that are both uplifting and exciting and be the voice of the underdog.

"I Can Do All Through Christ Who Strengthens Me"

Stay Tuned! I'm still keeping this blog to keep people updated on my life and to vent occasionally.

"Skies The Limit"


Watery Wednesday: Tri kids

The kids at Pt Chevalier School had a week of fun because Mark Weedon and his boys from Trikids had been in school. They had fun cycling, racing and swimming for their triathlon. Mark and Rick set up this programme which gave the students a training session and then a triathlon event.

Mark came with his Avanti bikes, which is great. Two of my students told me that they had never ridden a bike before. This was their best day. I didn't have a bike when I was in primary school. It makes me wish I was a student again.

From their website:

Sport is about participating, achieving and learning. TriKids™ aim is to support children into sport. Our programmes based around triathlon (swimming, cycling, running) are for primary school aged children and schools. Motivating and educating children to lead healthy lifestyles, developing fundamental movement skills and confidence through challenges and enjoyment are integral to our mission.

Pathways from school to club are integral in keeping children involved in sport. We will form relationships with clubs within the Auckland region to assist children transition into youth sections of clubs. TriKids™ will work to build the school to club link and provide opportunities for children to continue their involvement in sport.

Innovative school programmes and opportunities based around TriKids™ clubs will make us leaders in the field of sport for children. Organised events and promotion of athletes and triathletes will help to foster the continued development of triathlon as a leading sport in New Zealand.

Thanks to our teacher Kath Leighton for organising and liaising this event. The children of course will be looking forward to a repeat next year.

The teachers' views: "A really well organised event. Mark and his team gave good, clear instructions, and catered well to the diverse needs and abilities of the students."

May be next year, Mark, the teachers get a chance too?

Fourth year - Wednesday 30 March 2011

Summary of the class:

- Listening: video games

- Vocabulary: masculine, feminine and masculine words

- Reading: a new man

- Alex: song. I'm a Woman (Bette Midler) Watch the video below.

Second year - 2ºA - Wednesday 30 March 2011

Summary of the class:

- Listening practice

- Vocabulary: education in Britain

- Speaking: education in Spain

- Alex: education in America. Future


Totally loving the texture and colours of these paintings featured on "Close Up and Private"

found via here

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

What Samuel L. Jackson Taught Me About Roller Derby

For a college drop out, I can be very studious. I like to read. I love to learn.

Just not in a classroom! 

So as soon as I realized founding this league actually meant running a business, I started studying successful people. 

Not my favorite business by any means, but...
Because if you're gonna pour your heart into something, it might as well be successful. And if there are successful people telling their stories, then there's probably a lot to be learned from them.

And when I found myself in the role of... sports coach... I soothed the panic in my soul by devouring anything I could get my hands on about coaching. 

Books, movies, videos, you name it.
I think it was Matt who told me about this one:

So I checked it out and was like.... Damn, Sam Jackson... you have taught me things!

In the movie, Coach Carter takes a losing team and turns them into winners by encouraging them to be better people. 

To speak to each other with the highest respect, and to have an ethic that carries them, in and out of the game. This way they would elevate each other to their highest potential as a team. 

And as people who can make things happen in society.

I had never thought about things this way before....

But I was thinking about it now! You'll have to see this movie to get what it's about.

I really took it to heart and tried to bring this back to my league; encouraging skaters to refer to each other as "women" instead of "girls."

You could call that being picky with semantics (which I admit, I happen to be.) Or you could think of it as elevating your fellow skaters to their highest potential.

That's one thing I took from it, anyways. Also, this quote from the movie really helped fashion my work ethic at practice:

"When we step on the floor every second that clock is ticking..." — Coach Ken Carter8

There are so many more professional athlete and coach biographies that I've read, documentaries watched, and websites referenced that have had profound effects on me as coach....

But this Hollywood movie was the first. And it was about a sport I've never played.

Go figure!

Have a super-awesomely-elevated-to-it's-highest-potential rad day today!!!

My parting gifts:


For some reason I forgot to put these bookshelves on this post
soooo .... here they are, I think they are actually my favorite !!!
 via here

Fourth year - Have / get something done

Click on the following link to practise this structure:

Second year - 2ºB - Tuesday 29 March 2011

Summary of the class:

- Alex: stages in American education. Future

- Correction of tests

Second year - Workshop

Conversation: Ecology and the environment

Click here to check the questions we worked on.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Ryan Gosling Wallpapers | Ryan Gosling Images

Ryan Gosling Wallpapers and Images

ryan gosling picture


full ryan gosling


ryan gosling qmds


ryan gosling


ryan gosling remember the titans


ryan gosling is awesome


ryan gosling picture


rachel mcadams ryan gosling dinner




Ryan Gosling


ryan gosling




ryan gosling


ryan gosling mms q


rachel mcadams ryan gosling toronto




ryan gosling modeling


ryan gosling talks about his breakup with rachel mcadams


Ryan Phillippe Wallpapers | Ryan Phillippe Images

Ryan Phillippe Wallpapers and Images

beard ryan phillipe


ryan phillippe


ryan phillippe




ryan phillippe




ryan phillippe


ryan phillippe


d kabalarian philosophy ryan phillippe


ryan phillippe


ryan phillippe


ryan phillippe smoking


ryan phillippe


ryan phillippe paternity test


ryan phillippe


Ryan Phillippe




ryan smile
