Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Teacher's woes.

This is New Zealand Jasmine, They remind me of the numerous students in my school. They come to school as buds, and when they leave, they are beautiful flowers with a nice fragrance.

This is a photo of my son's primary school, Edendale Primary school. This was taken last year when the weka or boat was on top of the roof. They had a 100 years celebration, and they removed the weka, much to the disappointment of many. They were told that the Weka leaked.

Fellow Blogger OLD LADY LINCOLN posted some of the things students say. I laugh because I have a long list as well.

My student exclaimed," What! you are 50, my Nana is not even 50. You can't be 50, otherwise you should be at home and be a Nana, and not be a teacher."

Another," No, you can't be 50, surely you must have made a mistake. Even teachers make mistakes too. I think you are only 40."

When teaching my students, "Then" and "Now", I tell them when I was a student, we had black boards, and now we have white boards. So the student says," Just like you have black hair then, and now you have white hair."

Do I laugh or do I cry? I didn't want to tell them, I lied, I am not 50, I am over 50.

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