Sunday, July 4, 2010

More fun with reagents

The venerable South Bend Lathe, bought surplus, previously NASA property according to the brass tag, here shown again this time with a tangle of plastic chips from boring a mounting ring for a Kodak Aero Ektar lens.

Processed in Reagent 3, as described below. Ilford Pan F Plus (ISO 50) processed for about 5 minutes though, to make sure it has time to do its thing, and cropped severely enough (about a fourth) from the original 6 X 4.5 cm negative. Photo credit: DF

And just because I have them, here are the original production cards from South Bend for this particular machine, which is referred to as a 10" Heavy, by persons in the field.  This unit has an X meaning hardened bed, which was a special order item. The lathe is also marked, or labeled, with a metal NASA tag stating "NASA Property". It is hard to see the connection to Packard, but they were likely a NASA contractor in the 60s - many American industrial companies were.

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