Sunday, July 4, 2010

Independence Day at New55

Falling right after Chladni Day here in the US is Independence Day where we celebrate teenage America's separation from Mother England and the rule of King George III who was taxing the colonies in order to finance England's debt, and protect established large business such as the British East India Trading Company. Well-to-do business and land owners, politicians, and disruptive upstarts like entrepreneurial industrialist Paul Revere, helped plan and finance the ordeal which "officially" began with some bullets on April of 1775 and then with a Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, then a war, then another war with England in 1812, so it took a long time before things settled out.

The holiday is celebrated with loud noises, hot weather, and perhaps inebriation, followed by fireworks displays, and the playing of "The 1812 Overture" that was written by the Russian composer Tchaikovsky, who included actual, live cannon blasts in his music.  The subwoofer had not yet been invented.

On a much quieter theme and more subtle and modern form of nonpolitical "independence", you can listen to this piece that I wrote here.

In order to appreciate this MP3, you need to put on headphones or play the piece through a decent sound system at reasonably high volume - not laptop speakers.

Like a photograph, the limitations of contrast and resolution apply to this composition, making dynamic range, and the difference between light and dark values, essential to the scene it portrays, in this case not in front of you as a literal picture, but as a picture in your mind's eye. My intention is definitely to evoke visual scenes, only through your ears.  Since there are so many visual artists among us here I thought this would be fun and appropriate, given the intentional cinematic orchestration and sound effects in this particular instrumental song, so please feel free to comment, especially in visual terms.

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