Saturday, July 31, 2010

PX70 Color Shade now shipping

The intrepid folks at The Impossible Project have released an all new color film for the SX-70 and other cameras that format fits in.

Here is the link to order. I've put my order in and cannot wait to try it.

Sunday Bridge.

Last month, I went with friends associated with the ESOL class of t Albert Baptist Church on an outing. We went on a long train ride to the west of Auckland. At this new Swanson station, we had to cross the tracks on an overhead bridge. We had to walk two flights of stairs. There are two elevators for those who can't walk the stairs.

We walked again to Cafe Redwood, and I had this mini quiche of ham and spinach.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Of Mice and Roots

Would Steinbeck mind? Something WPA about these two, if only Dorothea had Reagent III with her.

Click to see the furry critters up close!

Photo credit DF

Miss Fries and durian

Miss Fries was my Math and Physics teacher when I was in Methodist school, in Sibu, Sarawak Borneo. I admired her for coming all the way from USA to teach us. I admired her more when she told us more about herself when she came to stay with us in 1999. I wish I could write her memoir.

Today, Miss Fries sent an email. I am so pleased she remembered Sam's birthday. Sam was born 7 years after Andrew died. He is my pride and joy. God made me whole again.

Sam started reading very early, and here he is at two years old reading to my American teacher. She was so impressed that she made a recording of him reading to take back to America.

There are many stories about this revered King of fruits. How do I describe the fruit. It's like a good thick custard. A good fruit is not just sweet. It should have a touch of bitterness. The best way to eat durian is to squat on the floor.

Most Europeans and China citizens do not eat durian, they can't stand the smell of it. The aroma indeed is so strong, that it is not an understatement that it smells like s***. There is a saying, if you like durian, you will come back again.

When Miss Fries came to stay with us, I was surprised she said that she eats durian.that So we bought some, and I told her," Lets eat the proper way." I got her a stool, I sat on the floor, the water engineer cut opened the durian on the floor of our balcony, we ate and laughed.

Durian is very heaty, it makes you warm and eating too much can make you very sick. We have known for ages that if you put some salt in the husk and add some unboiled water, drinking this concoction direct from the husk will counteract this. My siblings and I may be in the 21st century, and living in Australia and New Zealand, when we eat durian, we still do this.

You must never ever combine durian with alcohol. Some skeptics have ignored this and almost met with their death. One family has its own story to this warning. I won't go into details as this is a very personal issue.

Durian is an aphrodisiac. After eating durian, you have a warming effect. You know what I mean. There is a Malay saying," When the durian fall, the sarong drops." Some people take its literal meaning. In fact, it means people like durian so much that they will pawn their sarongs to get money to buy the durian. If this scenario is true, plus the pungent smell of the durian, it is far from being an aphrodisiac, if it causes fights in the family.

The water engineer and I went to buy durian. He was wearing his summer shorts in the humid Singapore. He bought the best ones, Sultan, Mountain cat or civet, D24 and the bill went to almost a hundred dollars. I was in the car, and he told me to get his wallet from his pants in the car boot. I took out his long pants and cheekily joked with the vendor that we don't have money and would he take the water engineer's pants. He laughed and said if he took our pants, he would soon be selling used pants instead of durians.

The queen of fruits, is the mangosteen. According to the Singaporeans and West Malaysians, the mangesteen is cooling, and hence an anecdote to eating too much durian. I learned this from my friends C.P. and S.L. Across the South China Sea in Borneo, it is believed that if you eat mangoesteen, you must not eat sugar, or you will die. I never had any mongoesteen when I was a child. My parents were cautious, they didn't want any of us 9 kids to die. I queried Dad, "But I will not eat sugar." Dad replied, it is not just white sugar, it is sugar hidden in biscuits and soft drinks." When I became an adult, I ate lots of mangoesteens.

I have lots more durian stories, I think I will leave them in my book.

Just one more for the road, the cultural centre, the oddly shaped Esplanade building, in Singapore has the look of the durian. Initially people got upset when it was referred as such. Soon, it became a term of endearment. Everyone calls it the Durian. Since the durian is such a well loved fruit, why not?

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Further results with Reagent III

Well!  TMX seems to have done nicely with Reagent III here.

A long process time was used by photog DF who exposed this roll in the Spring and processed it this week at about 75f for perhaps 12 minutes.  What you are looking at is in as-scanned condition, M645 and the F1.9.

Film photography has never been easier, and just look at the quality when you click and zoom in.  It may not be "instant" but it is quick, and easy, and the results defy old notions about "monobaths" completely.

Oh Sh... THOR!!!!!!!!!

Thor - Trailer #1
Uploaded by Strange-Movies. - Full seasons and entire episodes online.

Wow they are really making some great movies and hopefully this one doesn't disappoint..I'm a true Marvel kid and I'm excited Thor is becoming a movie...

Blanco Quote

Everyone Stay Drama-Free, Keep Nothing But Positive Energy Around You.. And Allow God's Light to Shine Through You--Blanco

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

ABC Wednesday: Letter B

This is technically NOT a BED. When I saw Mrs. Nesbitts' poor cat Ella all cramped in a round pot as a bed, I told her that I will cyber Ella a more comfortable bed.

This is a Chinese BUN called BAO. This is eaten by the Northern Chinese. They call them a Flower Bao. After kneading, they score lines on the dough. When it is steamed, the lines open up, and hence a flower. It is eaten in place of rice with meat or vegetables.
ABC Wednesday is hosted by Mrs. Denise Nesbitt

I normally post this meme on my Photos site, but decided to do it here as it is a food.
Denise, I hope Ella will have a good night sleep and she has plenty of room to stretch her legs. This pot is 6 inch by 10 inch. The pattern is not exactly like yours, but the colour looks alike.

TECH TUES:The Sims 3: Late Night Expansion Pack

For the first time ever, your Sims can experience late night fun as a VIP!
Get your Sims an all-access pass to the hottest spots in town. Whether they mingle with celebrities or enjoy a casual night with friends, your Sims’ social lives are getting a boost! But keep in mind that some scenes are more exclusive than others, so make sure your Sims have the right connections to get past the bouncers at the hottest clubs. Wherever your Sims go, they’ll discover new things to become—adored celebrities, all-night partiers, rowdy bandmates, or sexy vampires. What will your Sims get up to after dark?
  • Hang out at the hottest spots in town, from dive bars to dance clubs to chic lounges, complete with bouncers.
  • Gain fame and fortune as a member of a music band, mixologist, director, or local celebrity.
  • Wander into a certain part of town and your Sims just might uncover the secret to becoming a vampire.
  • Gain access to exclusive areas and enjoy celebrity perks like penthouse living, luxury hot tubs and cars.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Music Monday: Biggie/Jigga/Angela Wimbush - I Love The Dough..

I was watching "Notorious" last night and when this song came on it made me think about high school... I miss Big.. his music will live on..


Foxy Brown back?...

I don't know whether to cheer or stand back and blank stare.. I heard last week she got into a little bit of trouble outside her home but I'm gonna remain postive and support anybody who wants to work, grind, and make that $.. She gained a lil weight but I'm sure she can shed that off before the "Black Roses" drops..

Happy Birthday B.E.

Last Thursday, was my new friend's birthday. I knew B though his wife R. I admire the love they have for each other. They have been married for 61 years.

I had lunch with them, and B told me about his son J.

Happy Birthday B. This tall strong tree seems right for you. It was so tall I had to photograph it in two sections.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

So I'm thinking about having an Affair.....

With The New Evo.... I must admit the features, (apps), speed, and overall look has me wanting to leave my Crackberry in the dust.. not to mention Best Buy is offering the phone in all white.. sweeeeeet. I'm not quite sure because I'm no bandwagon dude when it comes to the latest but I can't help but not resist the next best thing in cellular technology... I just pray Blackberry get's their act together and put out some worthy phones to compete with in the Android/Iphone world. I haven't given up hope Blackberry I just need a better guarantee or this marriage is over....

Did you say 104 degrees outside?

For the past couple of days it's been record temperatures here in the big VA... All I can say is everybody drink plenty of water, stay in doors and check on elderly and people without proper cooling units or fans..

Good Music come's from the soul.. GOT REEFA?

Shareefa has to be one of the most underrated talents in the game right now. Not really sure if she's still signed to DTP this girl has soul for days. I just hope and pray we haven't seen the last from Reefa. I recently discovered she was on twitter and like most celebs I love or find interesting I followed and she followed back. Hopefully in the near future I can get a interview and post it right here on my blog.. If you haven't checked out Reefa then your missing something really great. Her new mixtape is dropping soon and ofcourse I'll have all the details right here. In the meantime catch up on what this soulful vocalist has brought to the game..

Her 1st album was entitled "Point Of No Return"... make sure you go cope it until the next music drops.. GOT REEFA?

marco flowers: magnolia

Thank you Maia.

First I love flowers. Second, the badge for this meme is the North Borneo Orchid. My Dad's favourite flower. It gives me warm fuzzy feeling every time I see this flower.

Join Macro Flowers Saturday, a photo meme for macro photos and close-ups of flowers, garden flowers, wildflowers, blossoms, flowers with insects and butterflies (no insects without flowers), flowers with raindrops and whatever beautiful plants, plant seeds or berries you have, in close-up.

First time visitors, please read the rules. They are simple but I do ask that you, please, use a MFS badge or link back to MFS in some way. Thank you.

Macro Flower Saturday


In New Zealand, it is winter. The Magnolias are blooming.

2010 Hair Style For Women

Short Hairstyles For Women - Look Sexy With Shorter Hair

Some women are daring enough to wear their hair short, and others are smart enough to wear their hair short, but the fact is that sexy short hair is here to stay and it looks nothing short of fantastic when it's worn in the right way. Do you have the facial features for a short hairstyle? Some short hairstyles for women look great on just about anyone, with a few exceptions, and others tend to

Four Hot New Hairstyles For Women

Looking for a new 'do? These trendy new hairstyles for women are so hot this spring and summer you're sure to find one that's perfect for you.Short and Choppy HairstylesForget the cute and clean short cuts of the past. This season's short haircuts for women are choppy and full of texture. Kimberly Stewart shows off a perfect example of this type of new hairstyle for women that showcase loads of

P & O Pacific Sun

July 22nd, is a very special day to me. It is the birthday of my youngest son Samuel. It is also the birthday of my Dad. To make it more special, both of them have the same Chinese Zodiac, the Rat.

During the last few years when I was in Singapore, I make it a point to visit Kuching, Borneo, so that we could celebrate their birthdays. During those holidays, Dad and I spent a lot of time talking.

Dad passed away in 2006, and that same year, we returned to New Zealand. On Sam's birthday, I remember my dad too.

In April, we sailed in a ferry to Rangitoto Island. When we came back, this gigantic liner was docked beside Hilton Hotel. I was elated to see it was a P & O liner. No one could guess why I was so excited.

When I was twenty months, Dad flew in a little plane from Sibu. We were all there to see him off. All meaning the whole Chan and Kong clan. My Uncle Hung always teased me that when he asked me ," Where's Dad?" " Dad Fooooo" and used my hand to demostrate the flight of the plane. He joked that I couldn't talk, but I could ,"Fooooo.". This event was etched in his mind that whether I went to visit him, even when I was an adult, he would relate this to everyone present.

Dad came home, I was almost five. Later, he told me he had sailed from Singapore to London, and back in a P & O liner. He reminiced the swimming pool, the fine dining, yes fine dining. It wasn't the cheap buffet, but a sit down dining. Sometimes, he aroused the curiousity of the rich passengers wondering why a Chinese young man from Sarawak would be in this liner and gain their amazement that he was going to and on his return trip had studied in London.

I yearned in my heart to go on a cruise. Alas, so far, nobody has taken me on a cruise.

This post is for all my siblings and also for fellow blogger Carolyn. I was going to show her our stationary liner Hotel Hilton, but I decided to do this one today.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Turning fourteen

Our baby turned fourteen this week. In New Zealand, this is a day of great significance. At 14, a child is allowed to stay at home by himself. Some parents have a party to celebrate this day of " No more babysitting," " No more tagging along."

The birthday boy had a few friends over and they were going to have laser fights at Megazone.

We both made this "chocolate slice" cake. He loves it, and is very happy to be my kitchen hand when we make this delicious non bake cake.

My new shirt!

The mustache is fuzzy!

Published with Blogger-droid v1.4.8

My new shirt!

The mustache is fuzzy!

Published with Blogger-droid v1.4.8

Friday, July 23, 2010

Chelsea Handler... I Love This Woman..

I Love Chelsea but she keep it real and looks like she'd be real cool to hang out with. Lil John, Big Boi, and Rick Ross discuss the advantages of dating a woman with a big a**.. lol this video is hilarious..

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Modern Emo Scene Hair Trends

Modern Emo Scene Hair TrendsThe building itself was entirely renovated, and all the old recording equipment was replaced with new, top-of-the-line equipment. Scene hair usually does not include only one hair color. This hairstyle is best achieved by having many hairstrands of colors like green, pink or sometimes even blue and orange, on a base of red, black or blond hair.I love emo scene style,

Funky Short Hair Marchisio Image

Funky Short Hair Marchisio Image

Emo Man Hair Trends

Emo Man Hair TrendsEmo style is varies for each person wearing it, and the exact same style worn by one individual may be an emo look, but if worn by someone else it may be considered goth or punk. The addition of body boosting styling products, such as a volumizing mousse will also help plump up thinning hair.Having your hair shaved off in a crew cut type of style eliminates the contrast between

Emo Man Hair Styles

Emo Man Hair StylesThere is no need for concern when making your emo hairstyle, what you feel like doing goes! It's not a normal look so therefore people expect it to be all over the place and to be and over all crazy hair cut. Most emo girls and men guys to the jet black hair for their hair cut and they like the unnatural, uneven look it gives it more spunk.Emo hairstyles are usually spiky and

Bob Hairstyles 2009

Bob Hairstyles 2009 : If you are looking for the trendy hairstyles for round faces, you must concentrate on concealing the wide jawline and wide sides of the face, in order to drag the attention towards the eyes. I think a pixie haircut is all that you need. Similar to other short bob hairstyles, a pixie haircut can also be modified to achieve the desired look. You can add a few choppy layers and

Bob Hairstyles Photos

Bob Hairstyles Photos : There are numerous kinds of short bob haircuts from which you can select one that appeals you the most. Short bob hairstyles suit every face shape and they can also be styled with adding or reducing lengths of a few fringes. This facilitates a sort of versatility for you to try various haircuts styles along with keeping the hair short. Some of the most popular short bob

Kids Bob Hairstyles

Kids Bob Hairstyles : The kids hairstyles were not given much thought in earlier times. Braids were a common kids hairstyle for girls. Maintaining the hair in a healthy condition was the main focus. Nowadays, however, parents are becoming interested in stylizing the children hair. The factors such as lifestyle, fashion and lack of time are prompting parents to go for such a hairstyle which

Bobbed Hairstyles

Bobbed Hairstyles : Bob hairstyles are not only gorgeous but also very versatile and sassy to sport. If you are really tired of that pretentious girl next door, showing off her long tresses, then its time you show her the versatility of bob hair styles. The traditional bob haircuts were short and sleek with the hair being cut in the same length. The length of such bob haircuts was always between

Celebrity Bob Hairstyles

Celebrity Bob Hairstyles New good looking bob hairstyles for black women various types, modern bob hairstyles is a very latest look girls women grate bob hairstyles best ideas their types bob hairstyles is that very carefully crafted best bob hairstyles look 2011

Blonde Bob Hairstyles

Best Blonde Bob Hairstyles New good looking bob hairstyles for black women various types, modern bob hairstyles is a very latest look girls women grate bob hairstyles best ideas their types bob hairstyles is that very carefully crafted best bob hairstyles look 2011

Trendy Bob Hairstyles

Trendy Bob Hairstyles New good looking bob hairstyles for black women various types, modern bob hairstyles is a very latest look girls women grate bob hairstyles best ideas their types bob hairstyles is that very carefully crafted best bob hairstyles look 2011

Black Bob Hairstyles

Latest Black Bob HairstylesNew good looking bob hairstyles for black women various types, modern bob hairstyles is a very latest look girls women grate bob hairstyles best ideas their types bob hairstyles is that very carefully crafted best bob hairstyles look 2011

Curly Bob Hairstyles

Curly Bob Hairstyles New good looking bob hairstyles for black women various types, modern bob hairstyles is a very latest look girls women grate bob hairstyles best ideas their types bob hairstyles is that very carefully crafted best bob hairstyles look 2011

Bob Hairstyles Pictures

Best Bob Hairstyles Pictures New good looking bob hairstyles for black women various types, modern bob hairstyles is a very latest look girls women grate bob hairstyles best ideas their types bob hairstyles is that very carefully crafted best bob hairstyles look 2011

Straight Bob Hairstyles

Straight Bob Hairstyles Pictures New good looking bob hairstyles for black women various types, modern bob hairstyles is a very latest look girls women grate bob hairstyles best ideas their types bob hairstyles is that very carefully crafted best bob hairstyles look 2011

Bob Hairstyles Gallery

Bob Hairstyles Gallery New good looking bob hairstyles for black women various types, modern bob hairstyles is a very latest look girls women grate bob hairstyles best ideas their types bob hairstyles is that very carefully crafted best bob hairstyles look 2011Bob Hairstyles Gallery :

Women Bob Hairstyles

Modern Women Bob HairstylesNew good looking bob hairstyles for black women various types, modern bob hairstyles is a very latest look girls women grate bob hairstyles best ideas their types bob hairstyles is that very carefully crafted best bob hairstyles look 2011Women Bob Hairstyles :

Wavy Bob Hairstyles

Best Wavy Bob Hairstyles New good looking bob hairstyles for black women various types, modern bob hairstyles is a very latest look girls women grate bob hairstyles best ideas their types bob hairstyles is that very carefully crafted best bob hairstyles look 2011Wavy Bob Hairstyles :

Funky Bob Hairstyles

Funky Bob Hairstyles good looking bob hairstyles for black women various types, modern bob hairstyles is a very latest look girls women grate bob hairstyles best ideas their types bob hairstyles is that very carefully crafted best bob hairstyles look 2011Funky Bob Hairstyles :

Short Bob Hairstyles

Short Bob Hairstyles looking bob hairstyles for black women various types, modern bob hairstyles is a very latest look girls women grate bob hairstyles best ideas their types bob hairstyles is that very carefully crafted best bob hairstyles look 2011Short Bob Hairstyles :

Layered Bob Hairstyles

Layered Bob Hairstyles looking bob hairstyles for black women various types, modern bob hairstyles is a very latest look girls women grate bob hairstyles best ideas their types bob hairstyles is that very carefully crafted best bob hairstyles look 2011Layered Bob Hairstyles :

My world Tuesday/Outdoor Wednesday:pizza oven
I am posting these photoes on this site because I have done a very serious post on my stories site where I normally post these two memes.

This is about food as well. The builder/maker of this outdoor pizza oven has built it on his property which is by St Lukes Road. It generated a lot of interests. He is created his PR by inviting his neighbours to a party and issuing an invite to his neighbours to use the oven whenever they like when they have a street party.

This unusual gesture made it to our local newspaper. This is what good neighbours are all about.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

It lights!

It took a while, but check it out! One step closer to having a finished product!

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