Monday, September 17, 2007

Mood Swings

Today was actually kind of miserable. The physics classroom this morning was a balmy 20 degrees F and I didn't have a jacket. A two hour class in arctic conditions, learning about frames of reference = No Fun for Michael.

Chemistry was ok because I stopped at the Stata center for coffee and a free piece of biscotti.

I love that building!

After chemistry I had lunch and went to donate blood, an activity that I normally enjoy quite a lot. My appointment was for 1:00 pm but I didn't actually start giving blood until 2:20. Of course, because life smiles at me, I had a math recitation at 2:00 with my new TA that I missed.

I'm in varsity pistol and have practice today so giving blood in my right arm didn't seem like a good idea, but the left arm is just as good, right? Um, no. She stuck me once, didn't work. Stuck me again, found a vein, but didn't have a lot of blood flow. After massaging the needle in my arm and reinserting she still didn't get a lot of blood flow. Eventually they just said "You fail" (well, they were nicer than that, but I fail) and pulled the needle.

By this time I was in a really bad mood. I'd missed my recitation, failed at blood donation for the first time ever, and was still kind of cold. Now, the reason for the title of this post. PSET scores came in and it wasn't nearly as painful as I thought (not even remotely as painful as giving blood today). After checking with Michelle and Jon, we deduced that Math PSETs are not as bad as originally thought, here are our scores:

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