Saturday, March 17, 2012

Scenic Sunday/Sunday Bridge: Bintangnor Red Bridge

This is the bridge linking Sarikei & Bintangor which enables a fifteen minutes drive only to reach one town to the other. Francis Chen Posted this on his FB page, and has kindly allowed me to blog it.

Oh for the wonders of social networking.

For 3 years, I was happy blogging and making friends with people all over the world. Last March, I published my book, Diary of a Bereaved Mother. I decided to use Facebook as my marketing tool.

Out of the blue, I got this Facebook message," Are you Miss Chan? I am a student from Kai Chung School."

Miss Chan was a persona I had left in 1975 when I went to Canada. Miss Chan was me during a gap year from High School to when I left. I was Miss Chan in a secondary school in a small town called Binatang. The town may be small, but the respect for teachers is big.

To cut the story short, I started befriending ex students and colleagues. To be honest, because the students too have changed their names, I do not really remember who they are. Except for a group I knew very well before I left.

It's not only our names have changed, even the town has changed her name, it was Binatang for a long time. Binatang is animal, so the town authorities changed it to Bintang, which is bright star. Before I can get used to it, they changed it to Bintangnor. I will have to ask my students what this means.

When I was there, I went back in the weekends in another town Sarikei to my parents place. I could take an express boat shaped like an aeroplane, which plied on the Rejang River, or went by bus. Both these journeys took at least half an hour.

Today, I learn that the express boats are long gone. They have a new bridge which cut the trip to 15 minutes.

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