Friday, March 2, 2012


Top knots ....
via here

this chair ....
via here

good authentic pizzas .....
via here

the walls and ceiling in this cafe ....

.... and this bag.
via here

This girls hair and boots  ....
 via here

 Buttermilk French Toast....
via here

Christopher Plummer's Oscar win
for Beginners
so well deserved ......

the latest issue of The Gentlewoman
just got hold of one yesterday, looking forward to reading it over the weekend  .....

..... and the Sunday Forum's at Belvoir Theatre, this Sunday looks really interesting, hope we can make it !!!

Rain, rain and more rain here in our part of the world .... and it looks like staying for the weekend ....
I have some friends coming over for a big Saturday night feast ....I'm cooking lots of yummy food and looking forward to a well overdue catch up .... friends, food and wine should brighten things up !!!

Hope you have a great weekend

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