Saturday, March 6, 2010

Answers to Fuji Pack Instant Film Questions (while we are waiting for New55)

The smaller Fuji instant pack films that are the same size as the 100 series pack films include

  • FP-100B iso 100 Black and White
  • FP-100c iso 100 Color (like Pro-vivid)
  • FP-3000b iso 3000 speed black and white. (like 667)

These all fit instant backs such as the Polaroid 405 back - the one I use on a Speed Graphic.  Also  they work very well with any of the thousands of old Polaroid folding and hard bodied pack film cameras including The Reporter and many many others, and fit in all of the Polaroid backs made by Mamiya, and all of the scope cameras.  Excellent for pinhole conversions.

For more money, about twice as much, the first two films can also be bought in 4X5 that require a different holder known as a PA45.

The larger, more expensive 4X5 pack films

  • FP-100b45 iso 100 black and white instant film 4X5"
  • FP-100c45 iso 100 color instant film 4X5" - with bleach recoverable negative

Is there and FP-3000b45? I thought I did see it listed, but have not found it for sale.  However, in Japan, there are more listed here in this link than any I have seen in the US, including the 400 and 500 speed B&W film.

I really like the FP-100c45 a lot! I have shopped around and found the 4X5 material as low as about $16 a pack when bought in 5 or more. This is a good price considering the convenience and the size of the print you get, with a reclaimable negative. Some retailers charge twice as much but I think the prices are going down as more people discover how excellent Fuji instant pack film is for artistic purposes and more of it comes into the US. I know this sounds like an ad but I am enthusiastic about this material and want others to try it. That might encourage Fuji to take the next step and offer an instant packfilm black and white negative material, which would be most welcome.

This and the FP-100b45 work in the PA-45 Fuji processor and also the Polaroid 550 backs - both fit spring backs too, as they are quite slim, Graflok backs, and have dark slides. Very handy. I have not found a 4X5 that won't take these. The Busch Pressman is a good example of a hand holdable high quality 4X5 camera that can make excellent use of these films.

I have seen listed but not found the 3000 speed film in the 4X5 format.

All the Fuji peel apart instant films except the 3000 speed have negatives on clear bases with bleach removable masks. It is easy to get a decent negative that is pretty sharp from the FP-100c and I do it all the time. In fact it has become one of my favorite films - the reds especially, deep, intense and slightly glowy, but overall sharper and less bluish than Polaroid - still without reddish skin tones.

The Fuji positive color print is generally sharper than Polaroid was. The color negative is unique and has decent sharpness though certainly not on par with standard negative emulsions. But, it is easy to recover and seems ideal for scanning. Scannability is a key feature in some new Kodak films.

Very much recommended. I buy this stuff by the case and use it with my Speed Graphic and an F2.8 Xenotar mounted in a Copal No. 3 shutter, or with an Aero Ektar F2.5. These big lenses seem to like those films as much as I do.

Shoot in analog, Share in digital!

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