Wednesday, March 31, 2010

My Review Of "New Amerykah"....Pt 2

So this is not a typical "Music Review" but my own take on a album that's refreshing and takes place on the sensitive side of Ms. Badu's brain... From beginning to end this album takes you on a journey through love and life with everything in the middle... From "20 Feet Tall" she describes how her and a lover have drifted apart and wondering how did it every come to that point..

real ish right there..

"Window Seat" aside from the video takes a look into a woman who has decided in the end it's all about me, myself, and I, Cause I need somebody Who's gonna be in my corner..Badu wants to feel needed and loved......It's so smooth and groovy which reminds me of old Badu...

Another Standout favorite is "Turn Me Away (Get Munny)...which samples Sylvia Striplin - Can't Turn Away Love...with parts of Junior Mafia's "Get Money"...She rides for her dude eventho she knows he must hustle to bring home the money... I love Badu!

Other favorites of mine are "Gone Baby, Don't Be Long".. "Love", and "Fall In Love (Your Funeral)... Point Blank the entire album... Also If You haven't heard Go and Cop "New Amerykah Pt.1"...

I love Erykah Badu's artistic style and her mission not be placed in a box labeled by record execs and a industry misunderstood on what "real" music is all about..

New Amerykah Pt. 2 "Return Of The Ankh".. In Stores Now!


Being Honest is Soooo Wrong... WTF..

Yeah we hear it all the time.. "Oh just be honest I won't get mad" "Just keep it real with me I can take it"... Yeah and when you actually keep it real with people they tend to not want to hear the truth and shy away from you as a person... It's cool I've always been taught:

If you Don't like something don't try it..
If you Don't like someone just tell them..
If you enjoy something love it with all your energy..
And If Your Chasing something make sure it's worth your time...




I Don't really care for the song as a 1st single but I'm not gonna go in and murder the video in it's entirety... She looked really hot and the visuals were on point. Wish I could of seen more of Amber Rose but overall I give it a B..


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

FP-3000 negative reclamation

Just for fun today I used my Polaroid 195 to document the state of the lab oven - covered in powder coating material, and a mess, really.  This image is taken from a reclaimed FP-3000b negative. I didn't think it could be done, but it can. The opaque base material is actually a rather good translucent diffuser, and using the now well-known blask mask removal technique, this through transmission scan of the grainy but very fast 3000 speed negative could be made.  Interesting enough, considering the minimal effort. The good news is that the new rangefinder I put on the F3.8 195 appears to be accurate - I focused on the knobs.  Wide open at 1/60th in the dim back lab near the loading dock.

John Chervinsky's Image

John Chervinsky has provided yet another unusual and luscious example of 55 ness and further impetus for the New55 Project. Isn't this an interesting image?  It certainly appeals to my physics department influenced sense of aesthetics, and would fit (contrast) nicely in a 55 show next to some of the others.  The artist's hand and point of view seem to converge in a distribution of particles expressing homage to Picabia, Rutherford,  and Seurat (that's what comes to mind at 5am - I may regret saying it).  This image is a favorite of mine, regardless, or in spite of, interpretive verbiage - don't let the text spoil it, just look at it, larger, by clicking on it.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Japanese Hairstyles

We are in the 21st century now and as the technology is advancing in a rapid rate, people are also becoming more and more fashionable. There are lots of hairstyles for which you can go for but one thing you will have to keep in mind before going for any hairstyles is to check for the body structure and different hairstyles which are suitable for your face so that you can look beautiful with a

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Acoustic Nanofilm - for sonic imaging

Just a clip about another type of film - Acoustic Nanofilm - that we developed and named "Roswellite" for use in microphones that record loud music. Customers helped playfully name this successful material due to its prized extreme lightness and strength. Roswellite replaced an obsolete fragile and lousy foil material that had fallen from use, and now has been adopted and commercialized by Shure, Inc., the world's largest microphone manufacturer.

I think of microphones and lenses and film in about the same category: the "front end" of the capture process, that which sets the tone for all processes that come after it, and influences how we see, or in this case, hear, and devise ways to express what we want to do artistically, or just for the fun of it.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

The Video was removed but check it out on


Progress Report

I thought we should wait until the Impossible Project had their very successful film launch before giving some ideas of timelines to New55.

Over the last two months, we have identified large portions of what we think we need for a New55 product. It would be based on an existing emulsion and use a reagent that we have made here in small quantities. One very important part remains and that is the receiver sheet - a component that has been much written about, patented (all expired) and speculated on.  If we follow the usual reverse-engineering course of making this paper I think it is going to take months.  If we find some of the vendors and know how to nail the receiver sheet operation - this is what essentially collects the unexposed silver from the negative - we can accelerate the process.

Many pro users of the T-55 film have contacted me in support of this effort, and some other researchers and interested parties.

So we still need to do a lot:

Film base and emulsion - identified
Spacer mask - dimensions known and parts could be obtained
Reagent - prototyped and tested
Dark Sleeve - vendor development needed but design essentially in hand except for the damned metal clip, but that doesn't seem so hard.
Receiver sheet supply - urgently need basic information on this part
Assembly equipment sleeve - can be outsourced, big tooling cost expected for the package.
Assembly equipment for reagent pod - known and available packaging process, needs vendor development.

After this good start during the months of February and March 2010, we think that April and May could be a period that we have a barely working, hand built bench process to make and test emulsion, reagent and receiver combinations - but we need the receiver sheets to begin that, so today the focus is on breaking that part loose and finding those who might be around who can help us zero in on that component.

Not so bad for a couple of months so at a small private lab that also is working on antennas, acoustics, transducers, nanofilms and other products - the biggest success to date is the enthusiasm, offers for help, and support we have received for the creation of this new art-enabling material,  and the strong indication of demand!


Show demand!  Show results!

Buy, and use, the excellent Fuji FP-100 films.  Give the FP-100c negative reclaiming process a try and bring it to the next level - a NYC show. Stop glowering at your empty 545 and buy a PA-45 back, and use it on your monorail, or Speed. Pick up a great old Polaroid packfilm camera for $10 and show what great photos you can make. Buy the Impossible Project's SX-70 film, and go out and noisily shoot it in public.  Point out the obvious differences between wonderful convenient digital and wonderfully convenient, direct and superb instant.  By keeping instant photography in public view,  voting with your wallet, (especially Fuji and Impossible) and showing what can be done with it, we improve our chances that this particular form of analog photography will stabilize, and continue to be an option for creative expression well into the future.  This helps maintain the environment needed to make New55 a commercial reality, and it's fun to do.

Friday, March 26, 2010

My Chick Bad remix..[Video]

I'm just thankful Female MC's are getting back on the map... I won't go into alot of detail as my other post but overall I think Eve killed this...

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Usher Feat Nicki Minaj {Lil Freak Video}

Usher ft. Nicki Minaj Lil Freak [Extended Version]

Okay So I wasn't completed interested in this new Usher album "Raymond V Raymond" but after hearing and seeing the video for "Lil Freak" feat Nicki Minaj I'm convinced I was on to something... While the album is nothing compared to Confessions I do in some instances find comparisons to both is previous albums... Anyway the song is very catchy and I can see this being a very big hit for him and Nicki...The Clubs will most definitely eat this up..

This song is very much so my new #GuiltyPleasure


Firsty year - 1ºB - Wednesday 24 March 2010

Summary of the class:

- Page 59. Listening practice: Murder in a country house.

- Speaking practice: What did you do yesterday?

- Speaking and reading practice: A lottery story. Click here to read the documents.

- Vocabulary: Easter

Fourth year - 4ºA - Wednesday 24 March 2010

Summary of the class:

- Speaking practice: questions with phrasal verbs. Click here to read the questions.

- Speaking practice: Brain Teasers.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Cupcakes, Pies, and Cookies Oh My....!

Well since starting "Lent" I've given up eating sweets...It's not a easy task but I'm thankful I decided to give up something in celebration of my "Jehovah".... Wow and as I think to myself hey maybe I can get used to this.. YEAH MAYBE.. HA HA.... Since I try to work out regularly I notice my weight has not gone up and I contribute most of that to eating desserts. I'm not a big candy dude I'm a country boy and I love my homemade goods. Lemon tarts, Pound cakes, and Apple cobbler... Yeah I'm A #FAT*SS.. lol... It's like a nightime craving to eat cookies and icecream at night before bed.. Yeah Very Bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DON'T TRY THIS @ HOME TYPE IIIISH! I'M WORKING ON IT THO!......

Just know if you want to give up something have faith, pray hard, and ask God not to tempt you.... Temptation is a B.IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII....


When The Money Goes Does The Honey Stay...?

I spoke about this sometime ago but it's not entirely leveled to just the ladies... In life when we have money we are afforded the best in what life has to offer not worrying about paying bills, going out to dinner, buying clothes and saving for a rainy day. It seems as tho the way of the world is in our hands...(YEAH RIGHT)

Honey in my opinion represents life and all the perks that come with it...It's almost as if the money is flowing and so will the great luxuries of life. Being laid off is no joke and thankfully by the grace of God, My family, and money I have saved up it's kept me afloat in this silly A** economy amid some people who don't give a crap. Just in the past few days it's been hell dealing with certain people when they feel as though you need them and every decision you make must go through them because your laid off, broke, and desperate. HA HA(Inserts Evil Smiley Face)... In what is a year now my honey has turned to brown faucet water... and the knob is broken and it's still running... I'm just keeping my faith in tact... All will okay in a very few months.. Take That Take That!!!


Behind The Scenes of "My Chick Bad Remix"

My Chick Bad Remix Video(BTS) from DTP TV on Vimeo.

Eve, Diamond, and Trina are looking hot. Just wish they could have all just did the video with Nicki Minaj but the song is really picking up steam so this is the perfect addition to already #1 album....

Polly Chandler's "Forest"

Polly Chandler very generously asked what she could do to help the cause of getting new55's nascent, field processable material into the hands of artists now that our beloved 55 supplies are diminishing.  I believe that just showing others fine work such as this example "Forest" is a powerful enough way to convince the collaborators and other companies that there is good reason, very good reason, for us to persist in our effort. Larger file available by clicking on the image. More of our favorite images at

Hot Black Hairstyles For 2010

Black hairstyles vary each season, from one year to the next. Hot black hairstyles for 2010 have become more versatile and diverse with the advent of new hair product formulations that allow black hair to maintain moisture and reduce breakage. Black hair is more fragile than most types - increased thickness and density, tendancy to be dry and hard to moisturize, and often brittle - so, the best

Fourth year - 4ºD - Tuesday 23 March 2010

Today we practised speaking, answering some questions in the group which contained phrasal verbs. Click here to read the questions.

First year - 1ºC - Tuesday 23 March 2010

Summary of the class:

- Speaking: trivia questions.

- Listening practice: revision of past simple tense.

- Speaking: What did you do yesterday?

- Page 60. Vocabulary: shopping

- Page 60. Buying a present

- Page 60. Social English

- Page 61. Writing: a holiday report.


Write about a report of your holiday, following the instructions and tips in the book.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

First year - 1ºB - Monday 22 March 2010

Summary of the class:

- Speaking practice: What did you do last weekend?

- Page 57. Listening: A girl's night out. Silvia

- Page 57. Speaking: A night out

- Speaking practice: A boys' night out

- Pages 58 and 59. Reading and listening: Murder in a Country House

- Page 59. Pronunciation: irregular verbs. Click here to practise the pronunciation of irregular verbs. In the video there are more verbs than you now know. Keep this video for reference.

- Speaking practice. A Manchester United football player

Fourth year - 4ºA - Monday 22 March 2010

Today we did some speaking practice about different topics:

- education and university

- smoking and health

- justice

- the environment

- poverty

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Hair Straightening Rebonding

Hair Straightening RebondingHair straightening is a hair styling technique which involves the flattening and straightening of hair in order to give it a smooth, streamlined and 'sleek' appearance. Hair straightening may be just the treatment for you! Straight hair has always been in style and it is little wonder that there are many a hair straightening products and treatments enticing women today

Beauty Hair Straight Rebonding

Beauty Hair Straight RebondingEvery woman desires beautiful hair and rebonding can give life to that desire. Rebonding is a hair treatment that can change the way you look and feel. Before you fix an appointment for rebonding with your stylist. Rebonding is a chemical hair treatment that makes your hair straight, sleek and shiny. It is a permanent and expensive procedure. Prices for the treatment

Polaroid Cafeteria, Waltham MA, March 20, 2010 "Paisley is a Rat"

Today we did manage to find a precarious spot along a steep part of Bear Hill Road to take some quick snaps of the old, pettered, Polaroid buildings in Waltham, MA, which is near here.  As you can see in this photomatix perturbed and disturbed image, the old Polaroid plant is abandoned, broken into, and covered in graffiti.

"Paisley is a Rat" and "ICH" along with many other adornments  above pried-open doors with who-knows-what lurking inside.

All very conspicuous along the old Route 128 - the Miracle Mile of Massachusetts (now Route 95) and appearing in this treatment more like an old Howard Johnson's post card, nostalgic and quaint, at a distance at least. How horrible this must be for those who devoted their careers in these buildings, to see them in such utter decay, permanently and unrevivably pettered for history, like the lost books of the libraries of Alexandria, burned and dimly remembered.

Think of this on Monday, when some better news may greet us, and what it may mean for the many who labored with dyes, caustic reagents, and at times, unreasonable demands,  in years past.  For those with a forensic eye and who like to pick over corpses, I have uploaded a bigger version here, that you can click on.

Fourth year. Listening: St Patrick's Day.

Click here to watch a video on the history of St. Patrick's Day and and answer the questions below.

1- How did Patrick come to live in Ireland when he was 16?

2- What did the two visions tell Patrick to do?

3- What did Patrick do in Ireland?

4- What does the myth of driving the snakes out of Ireland mean?

5- What did Patrick use the shamrock for?

6-Why does the holiday fall on March 17?

7- When and where was St Patrick's Day first celebrated in Colonial America?

8- Who is the most famous, largest and rowdiest St Patrick's Day tradition in America?

9- Why did the Irish have to emigrate in the 19th century?

10- What was the traditional Irish meal for St Patrick's Day?

Click here to check your answers.

Fourth year - 4ºD - Thursday 18 March 2010

Summary of the class:

- Phrasal verbs: correction.

- Listening and speaking: dieting. Click here to see the activities.

- Abbey: St. Patrick's Day and Easter

27 April: Exam on the book (The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time) and those who did not pass the first book can also take that part

First year - 1ºC - Thursday 18 March 2010

Summary of the class:

- Listening practice: Lottery winners.

- Vocabulary: weddings

- Listening practice: A wedding and a thief. Click here to see the document.

- Reading and speaking. Urban myths. Click here to read the stories.

- Listening: trivia questions. Click here to read the document.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

My Destiny....

Words can't even describe the feeling I have in my bones right now.. My soul is pouring over with excitement because of where God is taking me and for that I'm grateful. I spent much of my young adult life discovering who I was making careless decisions and getting hooked up with the wrong people but each lesson was a learning experience for my life and purpose. In the last couple of days I've been inspired by so many people watching people be creative and tapping into their talent and discovering what gives them the drive to continue to be successful. Just in the past few days I've been blessed to be around future directors, producers, stylist, nurses, models, husbands, mothers, and possibly even presidents. I say this to say surround yourself around the right people who will not only Inspire but lift you up and encourage... Much love to my Twitter/Facebook fam for keeping me grounded... I love you guys...

The words to "Mideducation Of Lauryn Hill" set the tone for this entry...

My world it moves so fast today
The past it seems so far away
And I squeeze it so tight, I can't breathe
And every time I try to be
What someone has thought of me
So caught up, I wasn't able to acheive
But deep in my heart the answer it was in me
And I made up my mind to find my own destiny
I look at my environment
And wonder where the fire went
What happened to everything we used to be
I hear so many cry for help
Searching outside of themselves
Now I know His strength is within me
And deep in my heart the answer it was in me
And I made up my mind to find my own destiny
And deep in my heart the answer it was in me
And I made up my mind to find my own destiny


Top 7 Wedding Hairstyles For 2010

The crowning glory of every woman is their hair. The styles, embellishments and length all play an important role when it is time to do her wedding hairstyle. This year, the hairstyles that top the charts are classic yet modern, simply to accommodate the ever-changing trend each year. And a bride will do everything to get a great and glamorous hairdo on her special day not just to wow her groom

First year - 1ºB - Wednesday 17 March 2010

Summary of the class:

- Page 150. Vocabulary: go, have and get.

- Irregular past tense. Page 130

- Speaking practice: Did you go anywhere last weekend? What did you have for dinner last night?

- Pages 56 and 57. Reading: Girls' Night Out

- Page 57. Past simple irregular tenses.

- Song: Dancing Queen. Click here to read the lyrics.


Page 131, exercises in 5C

Fourth year - 4ºA - Wednesday 17 March 2010

Summary of the class:

- Abbey: St. Patrick's Day and Easter

- Listening and vocabulary: body expressions. Click here to see the document.

- Listening and speaking: dieting. Click here to see the activities.

- Phrasal verbs: correction.
26 April: Exam on the book (The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time) and those who did not pass the first book can also take that part

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Lab work

I sure got sidetracked this week working on things in the lab unrelated to instant negatives. I did however refix a less than cleared negative that was originally processed in reagent A3 and managed to dissolve out some additional unexposed silver. This once again underlined to me the important double role that a nucleating receiver layer plays in the overall production of a well processed stable and cleared negative.

No further information on production of receiver paper has shown up in my email as I had hoped. There are dozens of patents and each have another dozen formulas, none that look simple. Yet there is that nagging feeling that it is really very easy, if you have experience. Before I venture off in the dark in that area I will wait just a little longer and see who, and what, show up. It would be very helpful if you could please ask your friends who might have "the knowledge" of receiver paper, while I refine the reagent.

Actually, I am pretty sure about the reagent and the emulsion, already! Getting the reagent onto the emulsion, neatly, might require the familiar pod approach, which I admit I am less well schooled. But 20 X 24 does it with their reagent, so perhaps a field trip to look at it might be in order.

In the meantime, using quite a lot of Fuji FP-100C45 to document inventions at the lab, and paste into the notebook, just like we did in the old days. The colors from the Fuji instant seem to astonish people who I show my lab notebook to. I got wows all around today.

Funky Choppy Hairstyles

Choppy HairstylesChoppy HairstylesChoppy HairstylesChoppy HairstylesChoppy Hairstyles

Fourth year: phrasal verbs

If you want to practise phrasal verbs, the BBC website has a very interesting section called "Funky Phrasal Verbs" where you can learn common phrasal verbs divided into different themes, and you can practise them by listening to the dialogues and reading them. Here's the link:
That is the main site where you can find the index. The different topics are on the left.

Fourth year - 4ºD - Thursday 16 April 2010

Summary of the class:

- Page 41. Listening: reasons for not doing exercise.

- Phrasal verbs: crossword.

- Page 42: Can't stop smoking.

- Page 43. Phrasal verbs.

- Speaking practice. Game: infinitives and -ing


- Page 43: grammar exercises.

- Page 45. Phrasal verbs.

First year - 1ºC - Tuesday 16 March 2010

Summary of the class:

- Speaking practice: What did you do last weekend?

- Page 59. Irregular past tense: pronunciation. Click here to practice the pronunciation of irregular verbs. In the video there are more verbs but you can always refer to it as you learn new ones.

- Page 59. Listening: Murder in a country house.

- Speaking and reading. A lottery winner: order the pictures and tell the story. Click here to see the document

- Pronunciation: -ed tenses.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Fourth year: vocabulary and listening

This year we have been bombarded by a flood of scary news about swine flu. Watch the following video focused on ordinary flu and its symptoms, and learn the vocabulary there.

First year - 1ºB - Monday 15 March 2010

Summary of the class:

- Page 54. Go through the story "A tale of two Sydneys"

- Page 54. Listening: Where were Emma and Raoul?

- Page 112. Reading: what happened to Emma and Raoul in the end?

- Page 55. Grammar, exercise c

- Page 55. Pronunciation: -ed endings. Click here to practise the pronunciation.

- Speaking practice: questions.

- Speaking: travelling to Santiago.

- Page 55. Vocabulary: expressions of time

- Page 55. Speaking: conversation


Vocabulary: page 150

Fourth year - 4ºA - Monday 15 March 2010

Summary of the class:

- Page 41. Listening and speaking: reasons for not doing exercise.

- Phrasal verbs: crossword.

- Manuel's presentation: Mathemagic

- Page 42: Can't stop smoking.

- Page 43. Phrasal verbs.


- Page 43: speaking, exercise 1

- Page 45. Phrasal verbs.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Amy Winehouse I Need You..

Where are you baby? Your Music is like therapy to my soul. Whenever I'm feeling down or lost you pick me up. It's been a while since I've seen you and I wonder where you are and what your doing often listening to the Album "FRANK" and jumping back and forth between "Back 2 Black"...Please if you can find it in your heart to reconnect I'm here waiting, watching, and anticipating your return...I miss you Amy...See You Soon...


Looking Into The Postive... ---The Real Swizz

This picture was very moving to me but it was the words that went along with it that grabbed my attention..

You should only look towards the positive light in life because its 2 short for the negative vibes---Swizz Beatz

I love it when people inspire...


Saturday, March 13, 2010

Music Break

Sometimes we need to see or hear something very familiar to us in a new way, just to help break some ideas loose.

First year - Listening: was - were

Listening: Were you good at school? Watch the following video and practise the pronunciation.

Fourth year - 4ºD - Thursday 11 March 2010

Summary of the class:

- Page 41. Future continuous and future perfect.

- Speaking practice: predictions.

- Carmen's presentation: Homeopathy

- Listening: alternative medicine.

First year - 1ºC - Thursday 11 March 2010

Summary of the class:

- Speaking: past tense.

- Page 57. Listening: Silvia.

- Speaking practice: Boys' Night Out

- Song: Dancing Queen. Click here to read the lyrics.

- Page 58. Reading: Murder in a Country House.

Friday, March 12, 2010

The Trouble with Reagent A3

Monobath A3 is something close to the reagent used in 55. While not yet as viscous, the pH, ratio of developer to solvent and hypo, and the processing times are converging. This is another 2 minute brew. You can see what we were concerned with in this intentionally underexposed negative shot of a black subject. TMY exposed at 400 off the surface of the blacker than 18% camera.

For Almond Eyes

I try to write
Inside my head.
I play with words all day.
I paint with them.
I sing to them.
But I cannot make them stay.

I tried to write
Of castles built
With matches, cards and strings.
Of hours spent
In slow regret,
And blowing perfect rings.

I’ve tried to write
Of why I sought
A downward curving smile.
And how we interred
A girl who dared
To love with tasteless guile.

Doing the math
Of collision paths,
And vows that sound sublime.
And motherhood
Tied hand and foot,
Sneering, biding time.

Of all of me,
Together to be
A small domestic army.
Of words that scald
My faulty world,
And blows that merely scar me.

Of Almond Eyes,
And all the lies
I’ve told to get this far.
Falling in love
With a man I thought
I’d been loving from the start.

I’m trying to make
These words behave
The way I’m perambulating.
Words are all
I’ve ever screwed
(But that’s me, deviating)

Almond Eyes
I want to write.
That’s all I’m trying to say.
I want to write
For you, my love,
But you take my words away.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Spring 2010 Hair Styles For Women

Spring is just around the bend and everybody's excited for the anticipated leap forward, but more than that it's telling us to shake off the winter blues. And what better way to do that than to smarten up your style with a new hairstyle?Now you don't really have to rush into a drastic change without consulting somebody in-the-know just to update your looks. Your hair cut and style or even your

This is the most fun ever

Just a note to say that the last 8 weeks have been the most fun I have had in a long time.  Today I enjoyed the magic of seeing a freshly developed image in Monobath A3 - the thick stuff!  Soon we will have real caustic goop, almost like the real thing. 

Thanks to all for your interest which I appreciate very much. What a great bunch of interested, artistic and innovative people.

Even though the results from Reagent A3 are fogged, I am still having some fun playing with the results.

Ludacris/Diamond/Trina Perform "Bad Chick" remix..

I haven't bought the album but I've already heard it and it sounds fresh... I just wish Ludacris could have went with the entire concept of him and Shawnna but I'm excited about the other chicks on the set....

"Battle Of The Sexes" in store now....

First year - 1ºB - Wednesday 10 March 2010

Summary of the class:

- Speaking practice: Who was...? Where was he/she born?

- Speaking practice: cards with details.

- Page 54. Reading: A Tale of Two Sydneys.

- Pages 130 and 131. Regular past tense.

- Page 54. Retell the story using the pictures.