Friday, February 5, 2010

Experiments planned and started

There are a lot of possible emulsion/reagent combinations possible based on existing, in-production materials and even more of course if you start adding in custom run materials. Today a shipment of lab equipment came in that will accelerate the process of sorting these out, and a series of experiments aimed at zeroing in on one or more suitable formulations have started.  Just to get the ball rolling, I exposed some Ilford and mixed up surfactant-laced monobath. No wash, no sodium sulfite, just point at the table, expose, process, let dry, and scan at default settings with no post processing at all.  Monday I will set up a permanent test camera on the copy stand with a test target, contents of which are to be determined.  Chances are one of the many Speed Graphics here will be the test camera, but I might use the Super D.  Shown here slightly cropped 6X6 Ilford Pan F at 50 shot with a Seagull (seriously, I could not find a battery for the Mamiya) and aimed into the shadows under the shelves that are above our lab benches. Hardly "lush" mid tones, and you can see clumping, but OK for day 10.

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