Sunday, February 28, 2010

12 black and white film presets from Michael

Interesting, possibly useful array of images here showing various digital presets for a number of black and white emulsions, including Panatomic X (shown here). 

Quote from Michael:
My presets are completely free, under a creative commons license, and are designed to provide a free alternative to the Photoshop film emulation plug-ins.

If nothing else, here is a good place to compare shoes and pant legs. Seriously, this is interesting and valuable for two reasons: 1. It helps me adjust my monitor settings a little more like Michael who has spent part of his career understanding and now presenting various monochrome presentations, and 2., it allows me to sample his image of what he believes to look like Panatomic X and post it with a link to his site, on the pages of this blog, and next to other images.  Here is a link to Life in Digital Film which delves into the new art and possibilities of using high quality affordable scanners with films, among other things.

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