Thursday, January 14, 2010

First year - 1ºB - Wednesday 13 January 2010

Summary of the class:

- Revision of times and routine. Click here to see the oral exercise we practised in class.

- Page 32, 126 and 127. Grammar: Adverbs of frequency

- Page 32. Reading: the Okinawan Way

- Page 33. Speaking practice: questionnaire... The Okinawan Way

- Page 33. Expressions of time: second, minute, hour, day, week, month, year

- Page 148. Vocabulary: ways to express frequency: every..., once a..., twice a..., three times a..., four times...

- Page 148. Vocabulary:
  • Seasons. Click here to practise the pronunciation.
  • Festivities
  • Month. Click here to practise the pronunciation.
  • Ordinal numbers.

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